Sunday, July 16, 2017

Aaron Carter: Arrested for DUI and Drug Possession!

Aaron Carter … well, the guy has seen better days.

Sure, they may have been all the way back when he was a small child, rapping about basketball and wild preteen house parties, but still.

Aaron hasn’t seemed well for several years now, and some events that occurred last night just cemented that fact.

He was driving around somewhere in Georgia when he was pulled over, apparently for some concerning behavior behind the wheel.

But according to a report from TMZ, Aaron refused to do any testing for a DUI — no breathalyzer for him, and no blood or urine tests, either.

So instead of being charged with a DUI, he was technically charged with a DUI refusal, which is also pretty bad news.

According to Georgia law on DUI refusals, the arresting officer most likely took his license right then and there.

He’s entitled to a hearing, but if he doesn’t have one or if he loses his case, his license could be suspended for an entire year.

In addition to the DUI refusal, Aaron was also arrested for drug possession and possession of drug-related objects — there was a small amount of marijuana found in the car, and presumably some means to smoke it.

He was taken to the local jail and booked on a $ 4,610 bond. As of right now, he’s still there.

His girlfriend, Madison Parker, is there with him on a $ 4,360 bond.

She was in the car with him, and charged with drug possession and also obstruction of law enforcement officers.

So it’s pretty safe to say that this hasn’t been a great weekend for Aaron Carter.

Just to pile on to the issues, it seems like there was already something going on earlier that afternoon.

Though the arrest happened around 9:00 PM last night, a tweet was made to his account at 2:08 PM about a concert he was scheduled to perform that night.

“Due to transportation issues, Aaron will not make his set time tonight in Kansas City,” the tweet read.

“He promises to come back soon. He apologizes to his fans in KC and Mix 93.3.”

So he was cruising around in Georgia when he was supposed to be in Kansas City? What’s the story there?

Whatever the reason for the canceled concert, it’s clear that this arrest is just another sad chapter in Aaron’s story.

Just a few weeks ago, he shared a photo of himself in the emergency room, claiming that he was having a checkup to make sure he was prepared for touring.

And just a few weeks before that, his father passed away.

Just be OK, Aaron.
