Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bella Thorne: I"ve Never F-cked Scott Disick!

Bella Thorne would like to set the record straight.

By saying she has never been contorted into any unusual angles while taking it from Scott Disick in bed.

Chatter of Thorne and Disick as a romantic item got underway in May after the stars were seen heading to the Cannes Film Festival in France.

They took the same car to a hotel in that country upon arriving and were later spotted cuddling together while both wearing bathing suits.

But Thorne left France on her own and seemed to immediately regret spending any time with Disick abroad, especially after he flirted during the trip with any person that had boobs.

“Yo this #cannes fancy life isn’t for me,” she Tweeted at the time, sparking rumors of a feud with Disick.

Initially, many thought the 19-year old was just being taken advantage by 34-year old reality star in his attempt to seek revenge against Kourtney Kardashian.

But then Thorne and Disick attended a birthday party for Lana Del Rey back in Los Angeles and allegedly partied as a quasi couple until approximately 2 a.m.

At this point, they went to another shindig and eventually went home (again, in the same car) with another unidentified female.

How scandalous, right?!?

Wrong, claims Thorne.

“I was never with him sexually,” Thorne told Jenny McCarthy yesterday on her SiriusXM radio show, adding:

“With any reality show, they want the drama. They want the stuff that sells. I’ve never seen ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”


But what about those flowers and that kind note Disick sent to Thorne, which the latter excitedly shared with the world just over a week ago on Snapchat?

Scott was simply congratulating Thorne on her release of a new song.

Bella also denied there’s any tension between her and two people Scott knows well.

“I’m very friendly with Kylie and Kendall, Kylie and I used to be really close,” she told McCarthy on Monday. “As far as I know, they’re super chill.”

Disick has been on one of his rampages ever since he learned that Kourtney didn’t want to get back together with him.

He’s supposedly been hooking up left and right while drinking almost non-stop. It’s becoming a real problem.

Thorne, meanwhile, addressed talk of a love triangle between herself, Tyler Posey and Charlie Puth during her chat with McCarthy on air.

Did she really go right for Puth after splitting from Posey?

“Honestly, Ty and I stopped dating and that was really difficult for me. It was definitely one of the hardest breakups I’ve been through,” she explained.

“Basically, Ty and I stopped dating and Charlie had been tweeting about me for a while. He was trying to reach out to me. I had hung out with him twice.

“We went to the movies. He was cool. I was like, ‘Wow you’re really talented. Holy sh-t. You’re f-cking great, dude.’ And then he invited me to Jingle Ball to watch him perform.”

Unlike Disick, though, did she sleep with Puth?

“Everything just got way blown out of proportion,” she says of that alleged fling, concluding.

“We weren’t even kissing in that [paparazzi] photo. That photo makes it look like we’re about to kiss and we’re straight-up not about to kiss. I was a little bit butt-hurt in that sense.

“That it got out like that. Obviously, I had to text, call Ty. And Ty wrote me like, ‘It’s all good."”
