Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kendall Jenner: SLAMMED for Smoking a Cigarette in Racy New Photo!

This is just not Kendall Jenner’s year, is it?

It seems like every single time she turns around, she makes another dumb choice that outrages the masses.

At this point, it’s looking like the girl will literally never learn.

First, Kendall agreed to be in that seriously stupid Pepsi commercial, the one that posed the theory that being handed a can of soda by a Jenner will bring about world peace.

And sure, she didn’t write the commercial, but she did agree to star in it, which was a questionable choice at best.

After that, she and Kylie Jenner, for some reason we still can’t quite understand, thought it would be cool to sell t-shirts featuring images of famous musicians superimposed with photos of their own faces.

For a few ridiculous days, you could purchase a Notorious B.I.G. shirt that also featured Kendall’s image and that … was not right.

Biggie’s mother threatened legal action, and we’re assuming the estates of some of the other artists featured on the shirts did as well.

Kendall issued an apology, explaining that the shirts were “not well thought out” and that “it was not our intention to disrespect these cultural icons in any way.”

But still, she and Kylie thought it was a good idea to sell those shirts … maybe just try thinking a little more next time?

Unfortunately, thinking does not seem to be one of Kendall’s strong points.

Yesterday, she shared a new photo of herself totally nude and lying on a table.

The nudity was cool and all, but Kendall ruined it by holding a cigarette in her hand.

In her caption, she explained “I don’t smoke,” but still, no one was impressed.

It’s 2017: the vast majority of people don’t think smoking is cool, they don’t think it looks cool, and they’re not exactly down with models holding them to look cute or whatever.

And the comments on the photo reflect that.

As one person wrote, sure, Kendall says she doesn’t smoke, “but you make smoke look elegant and cool. What’s the difference then?”

“So do you think it is cool to hold it in your hand?” another person asked her. “Very bad and thoughtless act.”

One of her followers asked her to “Stop glamorizing smoking please. It is unhealthy and with this picutre, you make it seem as if it was a talent.”

“Shame about the cigarette,” yet another person commented, “shame about advertising a drug that continues to kill, causes significant debilitation, causes health departments large proportions of their budget, prematurely ages you, can cause diabetes among many other things …”

“Not to mention the damage cigarette butts have on our environment, particularly our wildlife. Holding a beautiful piece of fruit would have been far more beautiful.”

Even one of her fans wrote “So pretty, you’re my favorite, so glad you don’t smoke but still wanted to get the little ones to think it’s cool. Too bad.”

So far, Kendall hasn’t commented on the controversy, and chances are she won’t.

But hopefully this time she’ll realize that it only takes a moment or two to actually consider what you’re doing before you do it.
