Thursday, July 6, 2017

Big Brother Recap: A Shocking Turn of Events

Now that we’re delving deeper into the latest season of Big Brother, it’s becoming clearer than ever that the producers can flawlessly manipulate the game at every turn. 

The whole Den of Temptation twist seems more like a way for the producers to govern what the heck is going on inside the house. 

When the latest episode got underway, Cody and Jessica were cuddled up, questioning their next move in the game. Yes, they are part of an alliance that includes three showmances. 

That’s not entirely good for the likes of Dominique who is the lowest person on the totem pole. It’s not ideal, and it was only a matter of time before it all fell apart. 

Alex chatted with Jason about her plan to take the showmances out while letting him know that she is not someone who will let the showmances make it far. 

Alex is such a force in the competition, and it’s making me question how far she will be able to get with her relatively weak alliance. She’s already proven she’s a competition beast. 

That’s likely why Jessica wants her to get an early exit. Cody, however, had other plans and they were shown during the veto competition. 

He threw Alex the win, while the rest of his allies watched on in shock. They know he is not someone to roll over and give up, so it was evidently a calculated move. 

After Alex had taken the win, Cody spoke to her about it and confirmed he let her win. This did not faze Alex, who continued to say to everyone that she would be targeting the couples. 

With Alex winning, Cody had to choose another houseguest to go on the chopping block. Jason made a short-term deal with Cody to stay off the block. 

The deal involved shielding Cody’s team from the block. We’ll see how long the deal lasts, but something tells us Paul and Christmas are not going to be a fan of it. 

Along the way, Ramses received a consequence due to Paul winning immunity from the first three evictions. Ramses will be forced to pick a time he will serve as the third nominee on the block. 

At the meeting, Cody nominated Paul, but then Paul pulled out the Pendant of Protection. It was hilarious but felt a little forced. 

Cody then named Christmas as the replacement nominee. Shockingly, she thought she was one of his allies, so things are going to get pretty crazy on tonight’s episode. 

Read our Big Brother Spoilers if you want to find out what happened next. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!
