Thursday, July 27, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Reveals Baby"s Gender, Possible Names

For much of the past month, Teen Mom 2 fans have been anxiously awaiting news that Kailyn Lowry has welcomed her third child.

The 25-year-old reality star has been uncharacteristically tight-lipped about her pregnancy, refusing at first to even reveal the identity of her baby’s father.

Kailyn also went nine months without telling fans if she’s hnaving a boy or a girl, but that’s because she didn’t know herself … until now.

Initially Kailyn wanted to be surprised when the baby arrives, but it seems she just can’t stand the suspense any longer.

So just a few days ahead of her due date, Kailyn underwent a procedure to find out the kid’s gender … well, kinda.

On her Snapchat Kailyn posted a video of an unidentified woman performing an old wives’ tale ritual to determine if Kailyn is having a boy or a girl.

She dangled a pendant above Kailyn’s baby bump and then announced her findings to the camera.

“It’s a girl,” the woman said.

“If it goes in circles it’s a girl, if it swung back and forth like a pendulum it’s a boy. It’s picking up your energy.”

So there you have it.

Clearly, Kailyn has employed the best technological advances that modern medicine has to offer and determined that she’s having a girl.

We kid, obviously.

The question of what gender Kailyn’s baby will be remains very much a mystery.

As for the name … well, at least she’s narrowing things down a bit.

“Karsyn, Anastasia, Murphy and Leona,” she tweeted when asked about what names she’s considering for a girl.

For a boy, Lowry likes the names, “Griffin, Nixon, Ripken and Silas.”

Kailyn, if you’re reading this: please don’t go with Karsyn or Nixon.

The former smacks of that phenomenon where the parents want a unique name, but they aren’t creative enough to think of one, so they just go with a ridiculous spelling of an existing name.

The latter, well … we don’t know what your political leanings are like, but imagine 40 years from now you meet a kid named Trump.

You’d make a whole lot of assumptions about his parents, and who wants their child dealing with a whole mess of preconceived notions his whole life? 

Also, cross Ripken off the list.

No kid should be forced to live up to the pressure of 2,632 consecutive major league baseball games.
