Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lisa Hochstein Flees Hurricane in Private Jet, Doesn"t Care What You Think

Lisa Hochstein is a Real Housewife who is facing real criticism over a recent social media photo.

And she really does give a flying you-know-what about any of it.

Over the weekend, Hochstein was one of countless Florida residents who fled their homes in anticipation of Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 storm that touched down around Miami on Sunday morning.

Unlike her fellow residents, however, the former Real Housewives of Miami cast member did not jump into a car or purchase a bus ticket to get away from the natural disaster.

She took a private airplane.

Which in and of itself is fine.

If one can afford it, this is a safe, fast and convenient way to travel.

But it’s not in very good taste to publicize it, especially during a time when millions of people are in danger of losing their homes and can barely afford to evacuate at all… let alone evacuate in THIS kind of style.

By posing with her husband, dogs and two-year old son, Lisa is being very tone deaf here, is what we’re saying.

And we aren’t alone in saying it.

“What’s up with all of the private jet photos,” Nathan Lieberman, son of South Beach Hotel Group’s Alan and Diane Lieberman, asked on Facebook.

“Bragging about how you are leaving a life-threatening situation when some people can’t afford to leave. Who are you people?”

Wrote another Twitter user:

“I get evacuating. I don’t however understand their need to be vapid a–holes.”

If you think Hochstein cares one bit about your opinion on this topic, however, you really must think again.

“To all of these ignorant people leaving nasty comments… although it’s none of your damn business we were not the only ones in this plane,” she wrote online, explaining:

“Every seat was occupied and my son had to sit in my lap. EVERYONE IS POSTING ON SM about how they escaped! This happens to be mine and I don’t need to apologize or hide to ANYONE ABOUT HOW WE DO SO.”

There’s a new argument for you:

Yes, I took a private plane! But it was full, okay?!?

Continued Hochstein in her own defense:

“We also did not have paper work for our dogs to fly commercial as every vet was closed and every flight was booked and there is no way in hell we would leave them behind.

“Fortunately we were able to get a plane to take them with us. Anyone with nasty comments needs to back off get off my page and worry about yourself and how you can help instead if wasting your energy on attacking me…

“So take your comments and shove them up your [ass.]”

Lisa says she waited until the “last minute” to leave and wrapped up her rant as follows:

“I’m praying for everyone who already has been devastated by this hurricane and pray that Somehow by a miracle Florida is not hit so hard. We did not want to risk it with our little angel Logan.

“And YES we let some friends stay at our home because it’s a little safer then theirs! They will be fine!!! Material things can be replaced lives cannot.”

What do you think of this controversy?

Does Lisa Hochstein have anything to apologize for?
