Thursday, September 7, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Is She Keeping Her Son From Chris Lopez?

When we first learned that Kailyn Lowry was pregnant by Chris Lopez, it seemed that Lopez had no interest in assuming the role of father.

Kailyn and Chris broke up after just a short fling, and insiders claimed he’d made it clear that he would not be assisting Lowry in the raising of their child.

That all seems to have changed in the weeks since Lowry gave birth to her third boy, however.

Amidst fears that he wouldn’t be on hand for the birth, Lopez showed up unexpectedly, standing by Kailyn’s side in the delivery room and giving her a ride home from the hospital.

While Kailyn says she has no inetrest in reconciling with Lopez romantically, she was reportedly thrilled that he had changed his mind about taking part in their son’s life.

Unfortunately, it seems that at some point since the child’s birth, the co-parenting relationship between Lopez and Lowry may have broken down.

Fans have expressed concern over a tweet that Lopez posted earlier this week, reading, “I just want my son.”

Understandably, the tweet has been interpreted as an indication that Lopez is being denied access to his child.

However, Lowry claims that’s simply not the case.

“Chris sees his son almost every day,” Kailyn told Radar Online in a recent interview.

Kailyn maintains that Lopez is able to see his son just about whenever he wants, but when pressed on the matter, she admits that their parenting relationship has been less than ideal.

Describing her recent interactions with Lopez as “good,” Kailyn confessed that there have been some difficulties along the way.

“We’re still trying to figure out what works for us,” she said.

Sounds like she and Lopez have experienced some bumps in the road, but it also sounds as though they’re both committed to working out an arrangement that benefits all parties.

As for whether or not Lopez will appear on Teen Mom 2, insiders say producers have been unsuccessful in their efforts to convince him to take part in the show.

So it looks as though much of the most recent drama in Kailyn’s life will remain off camera.

Fortunately for inquisitive fans, it’ll likely continue to play out on social media.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the winding road that brought Kail to where she is today. 
