Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Baby #3 On the Way! Find Out the Due Date!

It’s official, North and Saint West will soon have a baby brother or sister to dress up in absurdly expensive designer baby clothes.

TMZ is reporting that per previous rumors, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have hired a surrogate to carry their third child.

The outlet also claims to have obtained exclusive information regarding the surrogate’s due date.

Sources close to Kimye tell TMZ that the West family’s newest addition will be arriving in late January.

The surrogate’s identity remains a mystery, but insiders confirm she was selected after a rigourous screening process and paid a salary of $ 45,000 for her services.

Not surprisingly, she’s agreed not to smoke, drink, or do drugs during the pregnancy.

But of course, this is Kim and Kanye we’re talking about, so the controlling didn’t stop their.

According to the terms of a contract obtained by TMZ, the surrogate is also prohibited from bathing in hot tubs, using hair dye, or eating raw fish.

Thus far, it seems the surrogate and the expectant parents have gotten along swimmingly.

Knowing Kimye, the mystery woman was likely also forced to sign an iron-clad NDA, so we’ll probably never find out much about the pregnancy.

The couple has been keeping a very tight lid on this situation, refusing even to acknowledge that they’ve hired a surrogate.

As recently as last month, Kim stated that she’s “trying” for a third baby and refused to go into greater detail.

Obviously, further details, such as the baby’s gender and the exact due date are being kept under wraps.

Kardashian insiders say Kim and Kanye opted for the surrogacy route as a result of complications during Kim’s last pregnancy.

“I had so many complications,” Kim said in a recent interview.

“I had this condition called placenta accreta,” she added.

“There were a couple little operations to fix all that so that created a little hole in my uterus, which I think made it really tough to get pregnant again.”

Fortunately, the Kardashian-Wests will be able to realize their dream of expanding their family without endangering Kim’s health.

Our heartfelt congrats go out to one of the world’s most famous couples.
