Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott: Engaged?!

Kylie Jenner has just been full of surprises lately, huh?

At this point, the only thing she could do that would actually be shocking is if she did that thing she always talks about where she gives up fame to go live on a farm or whatever.

We all know that’s not going to happen — especially not when she’s getting boatloads of attention for being pregnant.

Isn’t that still so weird to think about?

At the tender age of 20, Kylie is expecting her first child.

And not only that, but she’s expecting her first child with Travis Scott, some dude she’s only been dating for a few months now.

We’ve heard that she’s due sometime in February, and that she and Travis already know the baby’s gender

It’s a girl!!!

But does Kylie have any other surprises up her sleeve?

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, YUP.

“Kylie wants an amazing wedding and wants to be married as soon as she loses all of her baby weight,” the source claims.

We all know that classic “first comes love, then comes marriage” rhyme … it just seems like Kylie is doing things a little out of order.

And super, super fast.

“She wants her child to have a father that is always there and someone that will make their relationship forever,” the source continues.

“She has seen her family and her exes deal with heartache and broken homes and she wants to have the family life that is a success.”

And because of that, “to be married is something she wants very soon and she will be very excited for Travis to put a ring on it.”

OK, so if Kylie wants to get married after she loses the baby weight, let’s see …

She’ll still be 20 years old when she gives birth, and she’ll have endless resources when it comes to nutrition and exercise and paying someone to care for her baby while she works on her body.

So really, “as soon as she loses all of her baby weight” could be as soon as early spring next year.

If things happened that way, it means she and Travis would be married with a baby before they reach their one-year anniversary.

Sounds absolutely terrifying, right?

If this report is true, we can’t help but feel a little sad for Kylie, who apparently thinks that she alone out of all her siblings knows what true love is.

Kourtney was with the same man for a decade and though they had three children together, he couldn’t overcome his addiction issues.

Khloe was married for years, but her husband had similar issues, and she just couldn’t make things work.

But sure, Kylie and her boyfriend here have it all figured out.

That report about how Kylie’s entire family is concerned about how naive she is makes more sense every day, doesn’t it?

That family insider claimed that she believes that caring for her nieces and nephews and babysitting Tyga’s son, King Cairo, would be just like having a baby of her own.

Is anyone else getting nervous about that great big wakeup call this girl is going to get in just a few short months?
