Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Britney Spears Treats Sons to Disneyland Birthay Trip!

Just in case you needed a reminder, Britney Spears isn’t just good at singing, dancing, and performing.

She’s also just a really great mom.

In her latest display of maternal excellence, Britney treated her sons to a trip to Disneyland for their birthdays. And Sam Asghari was there, too!

It’s no secret that Britney Spears’ career as a celebrity and a musical icon has had its ups and downs.

From the rumors of lipsyncing and plastic surgery that dogged her in the early days of her musical stardom, when she was just a teenager …

To her big breakdown a decade ago that allowed her to return, stronger than ever.

But, these days, Britney is living a much better life.

Her best life.

She has her hunky and unnecessarily attractive boyfriend, Sam Asghari.

Her career is still going strong while giving her plenty of time to be with her family.

And she can be a truly wonderful mom to her boys, celebrating their interests and treating them for their birthdays.

(There she is with Sam Asghari!)

Britney took her sons and several of their friends (it looks like three friends each) to Disneyland over the weekend.

Her boys aren’t twins, but Sean’s birthday is in just two days, when he will turn 12.

Jayden’s birthday is actually today.

He’s 11!

Usually, it kind of sucks having your birthday close to a close relative’s birthday — or, worse, close to a major and expensive holiday like Christmas.

Obviously, expense isn’t an issue when you’re Britney’s kid, but the timing can still be a sore point.

Like, how are you going to celebrate your birthday week if someone else is always hogging the glory?

Well, being amazing and perfect in every way, Britney found a way to make their combined birthday celebration into an even bigger event.

Like a day trip to Disneyland with three friends each.

Awww, look at them!

Britney Spears captioned this photo:

“So much fun celebrating the boys’ birthdays at @disneyland yesterday!!!”

Britney isn’t shy about posting on Instagram, but you’re more likely to see her or her boyfriend appear on her social media accounts than you are her children.

You’ll see photos of Britney and Sam cuddling, videos of Britney’s workouts, or even Britney showing off minimal makeup.

This isn’t out of a lack of interest, but because her boys deserve their privacy.

Up to a point, Sean and Jayden are and always will be public figures.

Sharing a few snapshots of them at birthday parties and similar events is precious, along with the occasional video of them scaring her around the house or a photo of them kissing her cheeks.

Sharing pics of them every day? At this age?

It could open them to ridicule from classmates (if anyone would dare make fun of Britney’s kids … we hope not) and would generally just be an invasion of their privacy.

Leave it to Britney to find the perfect balance.

Privacy, of course, is a big issue for Britney.

Anecdotal reports from people who were at Disneyland that day shared that Britney couldn’t go anywhere without people screaming her name.

Like … we get it. Britney is a blessing and she’s amazing.

But you don’t need to give her a hard time over it.

Let her go about her life when she’s out and about.

Especially when she’s with her kids.
