Friday, September 8, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Is Alex In Trouble?

Alex won the coveted Head of Household competition during Thursday’s double eviction episode of Big Brother, and while she did not get one of her targets out, she did get someone out who would have no qualms about putting her on the block.

Yes, Raven and her 79888 medical conditions are officially out of the house. The episode may have been a waste, but at least we got to see the Arkansas native’s true colors. 

Unfortunately for Alex, she is next in the pecking order and given that she forfeited her opportunity to win during the double eviction, her days are likely numbered. 

When the feeds returned last night, Alex quickly set the record straight and said that she was not out for revenge. She did say she questioned whether Paul was the one to turn on her, but he did damage control. 

Josh was still annoyed that Paul was making him and Christmas the targets when Paul was instrumental in orchestrating the whole thing. 

Before the final Head of Household competition of the night took place, Paul told Kevin that he should try to win the competition because then he could take Alex out once and for all. 

With that said, that would also mean Josh, Christmas and Paul would be able to compete in the next challenge for power in the house. Kevin seemed happy to play along.

Josh was worried about Kevin knowing the plan to evict Jason. It made him worry that Paul or Christmas was turning on him. Paul said he did not turn on anybody and that Kevin was just a smart man. 

Oh, Josh. You are going to be so pissed when you get home and watch the season back. 

Josh emerged as the new HOH, and that meant Alex’s game was coming to an end if she does not win the veto. Alex is the target, and the rest of them will opt to keep Kevin in until Final 4. 

If Alex wins, that means things will get rather interesting in the coming week because then there’s also the possibility that she could win the next HOH and take Paul or Josh out. 

For now, Alex thinks everything is fine between her and Paul, but could Paul cut Christmas and Josh off? It’s a possibility. 

Alex would be wise to rattle Josh and let him know that Paul has been in an alliance with her all season. 

But then again, this is Big Brother 19. The houseguests are not wise. 

What do you think about all of this?
