Friday, September 1, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: Does She Have Cancer?!

Bethenny Frankel is devoting pretty much all of her time this week to relief efforts for Houston and other areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey. She’s certainly not the only celebrity helping with the relief effort.

We say “pretty much” all of her time, because Bethenny Frankel has also experienced what sounds like a major health scare.

One serious enough that she’s reportedly undergoing screening … for cancer.

The polarizing star of The Real Housewives of New York City has never held back an opinion, ever, in her life, and she’s taking her usual lack of chill and putting it towards a great cause: desperately needed hurricane relief.

She’s raised at least $ 500,000 for those impacted in Corpus Christi and she’s making sure that much-needed resources, including clothing, go directly to women and their families in those areas hit hardest by the massively destructive storm.

In the process, Bethenny showed her face, where you can clearly see that roughly circular bandage on one of her cheeks.

It’s not subtle, folks.

Among the comments (most thanking her for devoting her time and resources to such a good cause), some fans and followers expressed curiosity or concern over Bethenny’s bandage.

And Bethenny answered.

Bethenny explained in the comments that she had “had a growth removed.”

That was instantly alarming to some people.

One followers, however, asked if the growth was a reaction to face-fillers.

“No. [Basal] cell. I don’t do fillers.”

She had accidentally written “basil,” which sounds more delicious but less worrisome.

Then, in classic Bethanny Frankel fashion, she makes sure that people don’t think that she’s being defensive or vain.

“My jaw is the size of Pittsburgh. Nothing needs enhancement.”

Basal cell carcinoma, of course, is the most common form of skin cancer.

Did you know that as many as four million cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year, just in the US?

That’s more than 1% of the population.

Every year.

Pay attention to your moles and don’t neglect your sunscreen, folks.

Us Weekly reports that Bethenny Frankel is now being screened for cancer.

We assume that this means that Bethenny’s growth, that has now been removed, has been sent to a pathology lab for analysis.

We also assume that she might undergo a battery of other tests to determine whether or not she might have skin cancer elsewhere or even another form of cancer.

Cancer is weird, dangerous, and deadly, folks. You can never bee too careful.

Bethenny Frankel, though, has the resources to cover medical care and also the exact sort of fighting spirit that can give people an edge if they do have a cancer diagnosis.

She didn’t wage this battle against Jason Hoppy for years only to fall to cancer just as she reaches the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

And it sounds like they caught this basal cell growth on her face really early. Hopefully, these tests will all come back negative and Bethenny will be able to rest easy.

Or, at least, do the Bethenny Frankel equivalent of resting easy. She’s a little intense, and that’s just the way that we like her.
