Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Chelsea Houska Slammed by Trolls for "Poisoning" Her Baby!

Of all of the Teen Mom 2 moms, Chelsea Houska is the shining beacon of sense, right? The worst thing she’s done is anger the FTC. She’s sort of the last person you’d expect to see called out for “endangering her baby.”

And yet that’s exactly what’s happening under her comments on social media.

Why? Because, in the next episode, Chelsea Houska’s son Watson is getting vaccinated. Some fans threw a fit — but Chelsea came prepared and responded.

In case you needed a reminder that a lot of people don’t understand science or even trust it, rapper B.o.B. is trying to raise money to “see if the Earth is really round.”

Because he’s a flat Earth theorist.

And also because apparently the “conspiracy” is too deep for him to just fly to Europe and then to Australia and then to Hawaii and then back to the US, we suppose.

Then there’s climate change denial which I don’t even want to get into because it’s way, way less funny than the flat Earth folks.

I even have a friend who has relatives who “don’t believe in gravity.” Which is honestly amazing. I have so many questions.

So you can understand why Chelsea had already been bracing herself for some anti-vaxx trolls one day. Especially since an upcoming Teen Mom 2 will feature Watson getting vaccinated.

What you might have trouble understanding is why the spark that ignited a flurry of comments was sparked by … this photo.

Watson is a cute baby!

Like, all babies are cute, but his little cheeks are just hypnotic and his smile is precious beyond words.

Chelsea doesn’t say anything about … well, anything other than Watson. Nothing about doctors or vaccinations or whatever.

But since next week’s episode is about vaccinations, we guess that trolls and anti-vaxxers decided that this was the ground on which they wanted to wage their little war.

One commenter wrote:

“People will believe any thing. They think doctors are god, their is doctors that openly admit they never learned anything about vaccines.”

That would be an amazing thing to hear from a doctor.

“Theirs so many diseases that they don’t vaccinate for that are far worse .. people look nothing up ! They just don’t want to listen it’s sad . The CDC schedule is new and clearly new things need to be tested on someone”

One: the reason that there aren’t vaccines for those “far worse diseases” is because those vaccines haven’t been invented yet or are still undergoing testing.

And that is definitely not how the CDC works.

“So these people hand their babies right on over .. my thing is .. if I’ve never received those combined shots and adults are getting sick and hurt from them no way my baby is receiving something I’ve never tested on my self first.”

Like every anti-vaxx post, it’s a combination of deliberate misunderstandings about how the world works and about medicine mixed in with absolute blatant lies.

But hey, we’ll give this one points for not mentioning “mercury” in this particular post.

The discourse goes both ways, though.

Just because the anti-vaccine folks are the loudest doesn’t mean that they’re the majority.

“I would recommend talking to a person who has lost a child to a disease that could have been worse prevented by a vaccine.”

Or even just ask an old person. My grandmother remembers life before the polio vaccine.

“If you got sick, would you take medicine? If you got cancer, would you take vitamins to cure it? No medicine is 100% safe or effective. People can have reactions to ANYTHING!”

I, personally, am allergic to penicillin. I also had a one-in-a-million allergic reaction to one of my vaccinations as a baby. I still 100% recommend it to anyone who isn’t immunocompromised.

“Most reputable physicians recommend vaccinating your child. They have been through medical school. They know how your body systems work.”


The argument spilled from Instagram onto Twitter, where Chelsea Houska responded rather tersely.

Rather than engaging with these people — her followers can do that, but the chances of changing their minds are almost as small as the chances of a serious complication to a vaccination — Chelsea opted to tweet her disappointment.

Because, clearly, she had anticipated them.

“I was waiting for these tweets ….”

She followed that with an emoji that conveyed her disappointment.

Contrary to what Jenelle Evans thinks, Chelsea Houska is a good mom. And she did what good moms do — vaccinate her healthy baby.
