Thursday, September 21, 2017

Demi Lovato Lashes Out: You Wanna Know If I’m Bisexual, Huh?

Over the years, Demi Lovato has become known as one of the most open and honest celebrities in Hollywood.

The singer has never shied away from her history of drug use and her battle with an eating disorder, hoping to use her troubled past as a way to assist others.

But there’s one topic about which Lovato has been noticeably silent.

Despite rumors floating around the Internet that she’s now dating a woman, the artist is refusing to address this seemingly major personal tidbit.

And it’s driving a few fans crazy!

“I love Demi Lovato, but her reason for refusing to talk about her sexuality is total bulls–t,” complained a Twitter user this week, linking to a Huffington Post article titled Demi Lovato’s Reason For Refusing To Talk About Her Sexuality Is Total Bulls**t.

An excerpt from this article reads as follows:

“The longer she refuses to talk about this one specific aspect of who she is – while continually telling the queer community that we should be proud of who we are and simultaneously courting us to buy her albums and concert tickets – the less I’m inclined to want her support… or to support her.”

Lovato slammed this take as “rude,” while referencing the YouTube Red documentary “Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated” that drops next month.

DL critique

The star then followed up with a second Tweet on the topic:

“Just because I refuse to label myself for the sake of a headline doesn’t mean I’m not going to stand up for what I believe in.”

Rumors about Lovato’s sexuality have been circulating ever since the artist was spotted at Disneyland last month… holding hands with DJ/producer Lauren Abedini.

About two years ago, Demi hinted pretty strongly that she’s open to dating women.

“All my songs are based off of personal experiences,” she said at the time of “Cool for the Summer,” whose lyrics make mention of lesbianism.

Added Lovato in this interview: “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with experimentation at all.”

So… why not come out now and acknowledge that she’s dating a woman?

This is what Lovato told’s Chris Azzopardi about the ongoing chatter:

I just feel like everyone’s always looking for a headline and they always want their magazine or TV show or whatever to be the one to break what my sexuality is.

I feel like it’s irrelevant to what my music is all about. I stand up for the things that I believe in and the things that I’m passionate about, but I like to keep my personal life as private as possible when it comes to dating and sexuality and all that stuff just because it has nothing to do with my music.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where everyone is trying to get that soundbite and I am purposefully not giving the soundbite.

Watch my documentary.

We love, Demi Lovato.


But it is a little lame to continually push a professional project when asked about something personal, especially when that something ties into a larger societal issue that you have often discussed proudly.

Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated will premiere on YouTube on October 12.

The singer also has a new album on the way.
