Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mayim Bialik: I"m Just SO Sorry. Full Stop.

No excuses. No explanations. No new attempts at blame anyone for misunderstanding her point.

Mayim Bialik has finally just apologized.

The Big Bang Theory has been raked over the Internet coals for several days now, ever since she penned an op-ed for The New York Times in which she addressed the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal…

… and partly blamed the victims of rape for the situations they get in.

“As a proud feminist with little desire to diet, get plastic surgery or hire a personal trainer, I have almost no personal experience with men asking me to meetings in their hotel rooms,” Bialik actually wrote, expounding:

“Those of us in Hollywood who don’t represent an impossible standard of beauty have the ‘luxury’ of being overlooked and, in many cases, ignored by men in power unless we can make them money.”

Bialik went on to encourage women to dress modestly, acknowledging that a woman “should” be able to dress however she wants, but that simply isn’t the world in which we reside.

“Nothing – absolutely nothing – excuses men for assaulting or abusing women,” the actress said, making a statement about which no one should disagree.

Yet she then qualified it as follows:

“But we can’t be naïve about the culture we live in.”


But perhaps you should try to change it and to raise awareness… but lecture women about their attitude or wardrobe and not blaming victims of assault in any way, shape or form.

After getting rightfully ripped online for her editorial, Bialik went after her “vicious” critics, saying people just didn’t get her point of view.

She then tried to clarify her comments, saying, for one thing, that she was only addressing the insular world of Hollywood and not speaking on rape in general.

Now, at last, Bialik has simply said she is sorry.

“I want to address my op-ed in the NY Times, and the reaction to it,” a note Tweeted from the actress opens.

It continues:

“Let me say clearly and explicitly that I am very sorry. What you wear and how you behave does not provide any protection from assault, nor does the way you dress or act in any way make you responsible for being assaulted; you are never responsible for being assaulted.”

As more and more women speak out on their awful experiences, Bialik also praised these brave and admirable actresses, singers and general Internet users.

“I applaud the bravery of the women who have come forward,” she added.

“I support these women as we seek out and demand accountability from the only ones responsible for assault and rape: the people who perpetrate these heinous crimes.

“I am motivated and driven to work hard to empower women.”

In conclusion?

“I am truly sorry for causing so much pain, and I hope you can all forgive me.”

It’s very possible that Bialik had noble intentions when she wrote her controversial op-ed.

She may have legitimately been trying to help women stay out of harm’s way.

But, wow, did she misfire.

We’re just glad she has finally come to this conclusion and said the only thing one can say when it comes to sexual assault: 

It is ALWAYS the fault of the perpetrator and the perpetrator only.
