Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Kylie Jenner Flaunts Pregnant Curves in New Video!

We all know that Kylie Jenner is pregnant, because nothing makes sense anymore in 2017.

The Snapchat queen and makeup mogul has been uncharacteristically shy on social media for the past few weeks, refusing to officially confirm her pregnancy or to show off her baby bump.

However, Kylie Jenner shared the video below, and it looks like that shyness is ebbing, because she is showing off her pregnancy curves for all to see!

Kylie jenner baby bump hidden

We don"t really know what"s motivated Kylie to avoid confirming her pregnancy.

A lot of stars are eager to show off their baby bumps, and Kylie"s pregnancy is perhaps the most talked about pregnancy on the planet right now.

(We"d say that Kate Middleton"s pregnancy could give her a run for her money, but it"s Kate"s third baby and, honestly, there are just way more people in the US)

Despite that — or perhaps because of that attention — Kylie has been keeping her baby bump in seclusion, wearing comically oversized shirts on her small body for photos.

Even when Kylie double-dates with Kendall, she takes steps to hide the baby bump that the entire world knows is there.

Kylie jenner bare face

Maybe it"s part of a long-term ploy to promote something or another.

Maybe it"s out of revenge or something towards the media and fans who always want to know about her life.

Or maybe this is all just a game to her. We just don"t know.

What we do know is that, despite Kylie"s refusal to confirm this, no one in the family is denying the reports of her pregnancy.

Honestly, it"s widely believed for a lot of reasons that Kris Jenner may have personally arranged for the news to leak … right in time for that Keeping Up With The Kardashians 10 Year Anniversary Special.

She"s the ultimate momager, folks.

It"s also been reported that Kylie Jenner"s due date is in February. Of 2018.

Kylie jenner hides her baby bump

Due dates are always approximate — sometimes they"re exactly right, but that"s hardly standard.

But medical science and math can give us a pretty good idea of a pregnancy"s timeline.

For example, it tells us that Kylie got pregnant when she was 19 and that it was probably after just one month of dating Travis Scott.

That"s jarring enough on its own, but then you have to consider that he"s her rebound after she ended a long-term relationship with Tyga (at last!).

Kylie"s not stupid, but that doesn"t mean that she"s wise.

Another thing that due dates tell us is that if Kylie"s due in February, she"s more than halfway through her pregnancy.

With the very rare exceptions of certain hardcore fitness moms and a few other scenarios, a pregnancy this far along is going to have a visible bump that can only be hidden in bulky clothing.

The video below … well, Kylie"s not wearing anything bulky.

Take a look at this photo, of Kylie"s body from months ago (at least!), and keep that trim-yet-curvy figure in mind as you watch the video.

Kylie jenner pre pregnancy figure

We imagine that Kylie took this video mostly to tease fans and show off her pregnancy-induced boobage.

If we didn"t know that she"s pregnant, we"d think that she"d gotten another boob job with the bust that she"s sporting.

But anyone watching the video below can tell that there"s a pregnancy involved, because you can see the way that her midsection curves.

Perhaps one day, soon, Kylie will show off the full baby bump.

In the mean time, this is the closest that we"ve gotten to a glimpse.

Kylie jenner flaunts pregnant curves in new video