Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Demi Lovato: Yes, I"m Bisexual!

For the past month or so, people have been very, very interested in Demi Lovato’s sexual orientation.

Well, really people have been interested in her sexual orientation for several years now, because people are nosy and can’t stand to be in the dark about anything, especially when it comes to celebrities.

Which, hey, fair.

Though she’s spent the vast majority of her career in relationships with men — she dated Joe Jonas early on, and she spent six years in a relationship with Wilmer Valderrama — there’s been a lot of speculation about her feelings for the ladies.

Mostly because of her 2015 song “Cool for the Summer.”

With lyrics like “Got a taste for the cherry, I just need to take a bite,” it’s not that hard to understand why people started talking.

When she released the song, she was a little vague about the meaning behind the lyrics, and she’s been vague ever since.

It’s been especially noticeable since last month she was spotted looking pretty happy and holding hands with a DJ named Lauren Abedini.

In an interview done soon after photos of Demi with Lauren began making the rounds, she simply said “I love who I love.”

“I feel like it’s irrelevant to what my music is all about.”‘

“I stand up for the things that I believe in and the things that I’m passionate about,” she continued, “but I like to keep my personal life as private as possible when it comes to dating and sexuality and all that stuff just because it has nothing to do with my music.”

“I just feel like everyone’s always looking for a headline and they always want their magazine or TV show or whatever to be the one to break what my sexuality is.”

She got some backlash for that statement from people who felt like she should stand up harder for those things — if she really is bisexual, she should proudly and publicly identify as such.

That was the argument, anyway.

In response, she tweeted “Just because I’m refuse to label myself for the sake of a headline doesn’t mean I’m not going to stand up for what I believe in.”

“If you’re that curious about my sexuality, watch my documentary. But I don’t we anybody anything.”

And she’s right — she definitely doesn’t owe anybody anything.

But that documentary she referred to here was released today, and if you wanted a direct answer, then you finally get one!

In one scene, Demi reveals that she’s using a dating app, and in her search for love, she’s looking for either a man or a woman.

“I am open to human connection,” she explained about her choice.

And there you have it!

In another interview, this one about that particular scene, Demi said that she’s “always felt” open to dating someone of either sex.

Hope you find what you’re looking for, girl!
