Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tyga: Kylie Jenner is Pregnant With MY Baby!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnany with her first child.

The 20-year-old reality star and cosmetics mogul is dating Travis Scott these days, and it’s been widely assumed that Scott is the baby’s father.

But like all of the men who come and go from the lives of the Kard clan ladies, Kylie’s ex, Tyga, has spent too much time under the tutelage of Kris Jenner to let a golden PR opportunity like this one pass him by.

As such, he’s weaseled his way into the Kylie baby conversation in a way that we would almost respect if it weren’t so damn smarmy.

When news of the pregnancy first broke, Tyga took to Instagram to claim paternity for Kylie’s baby.

Just days later, Tyga took another jab at Kylie, hinting that she’d been unfaithful to Scott during an onstag tirade.

At first, it looked as though Tyga was simply trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame by piggybacking on Kylie’s unexpected announcement.

But those closest to the rapper say he genuinely believes he’s the father–and now he wants the opportunity to prove it.

According to an exclusive report from In Touch, Tyga has been “blind with jealousy” in the weeks since Kylie revealed that she’s expecting.

It seems he’s aware that the public is highly skeptical of his paternity claim, but like the discredited professor in a disaster movie, Tyga is confident that science will prove him right in the end.

“He really believes this could be his baby. He is talking nonstop to his friends about this being his child. He will try to get Kylie to have a DNA test,” a source tells the magazine.

“Kylie is sure the father is Travis. She was only with him at the time she got pregnant.”

Sounds like Tyga is out of luck on this one.

But hey, at least he can tell his grandkids that Kylie’s offspring–who by then will probably be a mega-star in the round-the-clock Truman Show-esque nightmare that is reality TV of the 2030s–might be carrying his DNA.

At this point, his last best chance of proving it would be talking Kylie and Travis into a paternity test with ratings-magnet live reveal, a la Maury.

Sounds crazy, but don’t count any PR stunt out when Kris Jenner is involved.
