Monday, October 16, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Are Paul and Karine Over?!

90 Day Fiance sometimes feels like it has 90 different spin-offs, but it only has three spin-offs. For now.

Before The 90 Days follows international couples before the fiance comes to the US and begins their K-1 visa process. We’ve all seen couples fall apart after marriage or even before the 90 days are up, but some don’t even stay together long enough for their 90-day engagement.

It looks like one couple doesn’t make it. And it looks like they may have spoiled that ending on social media.

The couple that looks like they’ve parted ways?

Paul and Karine.

The 90 Day Fiance franchise has a lot of couples, so we won’t hold it against you if you need a refresher on Karine Martins and Paul Staehle.

Paul is from the US and Karine is Brazilian and … we cannot talk about this couple without listing the red flags that have been cropping up throughout their relationship.

First: Paul is 34 and Karine is 21.

This is a very low-level red flag, because plenty of healthy and balanced relationships exist with that age gap. And they’re both adults.

The issue is that, when viewed in conjunction with the fact that Karine is both the younger partner and the woman and the one expected to uproot her entire life and move, it looks like a setup for a thoroughly imbalanced power dynamic.

Second: Paul has stated himself that his past relationships haven’t worked out well for him, and that this is why he thought outside of the box when looking for a girlfriend.

When a guy has one girlfriend and it doesn’t work out, well, maybe it just didn’t work out.

When a guy says that his past relationships have been so bad that he figured that he’d try something incontinental instead of one of the other millions and millions of eligibile women in his own country … maybe he’s just not a good boyfriend.

Third, and perhaps most alarming of all: Paul’s criminal record.

Paul Staehle mugshot, 90 Day Fiance

Yes, that’s Paul’s mugshot.

Paul once hinted on Before The 90 Days that his relationship history wasn’t so good.

“I haven’t had the best of luck in past relationships here locally. I’ve been betrayed. I’ve experienced unfaithful girlfriends — a lot of negative, chaotic things. Being burned that many times definitely affects anybody.”

That fits into the second red flag that we mentioned.

But then it got a lot more alarming.

“One of the relationships I was in ended so badly, it ended up getting me in some serious trouble.”

And what’s worse: he wasn’t being honest about it with the woman with whom he intended to share his life.

“And I haven’t explained it all to Karine yet.”

You don’t have to divulge your sexual history to a prospective spouse, but a criminal record is another story.

Specifically, Paul allegedly committed arson in 2007.

Paul was charged with second degree arson and “Burning Personal Property To Defraud Insurer,” for which he was finally found guilty in 2014.

Paul is on probation. Specifically, “shock probation,” where the court sends you to prison for a short time before releasing you on probation in the hopes that the horrors of prison life act as a deterrent.

His probation isn’t scheduled to end until April of 2020.

Now, you might chalk that up to insurance fraud and therefore a very fiery version of white collar crime, but it gets worse.

It also appears that Paul was arrested in 2013 for violating a protective order — one that may have been issued over domestic violence concerns.

If your behavior is bad enough to warrant a protective order and then you violate it, that’s not a relationship “ending badly.” That sounds like you being a bad person.

Somehow, it looks like the relationship between Paul and Karine ended because of something else.


Despite everything (and some awkwardness with Karine’s parents), everything seemed fine for this couple … until this past weekend.

Paul took to Facebook to level some unkind accusations against Karine, accompanied by a photo of what we’re to believe is Karine’s phone. (Did he have someone spy on Karine’s phone? Or did she snap this photo herself for some reason? We don’t know)

Paul wrote:

“When you love someone you don’t call or talk about sex with another man. Or blow up another man’s phone.”

That’s not always true, but it’s a good rule of thumb.

“Karine told me I am bad and she loves Alex.”

Meanwhile, Karen posted a message in Portuguese on Instagram, which Starcasm translated to mean:

“I think in the past a very bad person has hurt Paul’s feeling that even I can not help him. I tried. Not for interests. But for finding a Paul a good person. God knows what is best for each person.”

Since this information comes in real time and not on the show itself, this is not reflected yet on Before The 90 Days.

Which, we suppose, is why Paul’s Facebook promptly shut down.

The producers don’t want their stars posting spoilers.
