Thursday, October 12, 2017

Khloe Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: No Pregnancy Sex for You!

It’s been a few weeks now since we first heard about Khloe Kardashian’s pregnancy … 

And it’s still just so very, very exciting, right?

We’re loving the Khloe pregnancy news for a number of reasons, and a big one is that the fact that she, Kylie Jenner, and Kim Kardashian will all welcome their new little babies right around the same time.

Early 2018 is going to be wild, you guys.

It’s also just such a nice story, because for several years now, we’ve all been under the impression that Khloe desperately wanted to become a mother but was simply unable to.

For much of her marriage to Lamar Odom, there was a story about how they’d been trying to conceive with no luck.

They visited fertility specialists and they put tons of work into baby-making, but it never happened for them — and on the family’s various reality shows, it was strongly hinted that the issue was Khloe’s fertility.

Or lack thereof.

So after all of that heartache, to hear that Khloe is finally pregnant is just wonderful.

But according to a new report from Radar Online, things aren’t so wonderful for Tristan Thompson right now.

“They had this enormously active love life and now they’re barely intimate at all,” a source close to the couple explains.

“Tristan’s moaning that he’s lucky to get his needs met once or twice a week, because Khloe’s never in the mood these days.”

… Hold up.

For one, getting “his needs met” is sort of gross phrasing, because Khloe has needs too, you know? And apparently right now, one of those needs is to not be bothered with sex.

For two, if they’re having sex once or twice a week, that’s still pretty good.

According to the source, Khloe is “getting cramps and indigestion, plus bloating, and it’s making her uncomfortable, especially at night.”

The magic of pregnancy, right?

The source adds that “The last thing that’s on her mind is hanky-panky,” which is more than fair.

Her body is going through some massive changes, ones that Tristan obviously doesn’t really understand.

You’d think that he would, since he’s already a father himself, but he did leave his former girlfriend while she was pregnant to get with Khloe, so maybe he missed all this the first time around.

The point is that it sounds like Khloe is having a hard time right now, and it also sounds like Tristan isn’t exactly respecting that.

In fact, the source says that “Tristan is getting frustrated and he’s beginning to realize it’s always going to be about Khloe and what she wants.”

And that’s not cool.

If we’re to believe this report, Tristan is acting like Khloe owes him sex, and just because she doesn’t feel like it because she’s, you know, creating life inside of her body, she’s being selfish.

We wanted to think better of this guy, but things like this are really making it hard.
