Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner Hired a Pregnancy Coach ALREADY!

It’s no secret that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with Travis Scott’s baby, even though Kylie still hasn’t confirmed it and instead elects to tease her fans by hiding her baby bump.

And, hey, that’s her right. But she should understand that everyone still wants to know how things are coming along for her.

Well, color us all surprised to learn that Kylie reportedly hired a pregnancy coach.

Reports of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy caused quite a shock.

Not only because the news came as a surprise — though it absolutely was. If the reports hadn’t come from multiple, reliable sources we would have talked about the story briefly and then dismissed it.

Because she’s only 20. Because she’s famous and extremely wealthy and most people in that position are just too careful (as they, with their means, can afford to be) to become young mothers before they’re legally allowed to drink.

But the other shocking thing about Kylie’s pregnancy is that the baby daddy, Travis Scott, would have only been dating her for, what? One month?

When he knocked her up, we mean.

We’ve having trouble getting past this, because Kylie had been dating Tyga off and on for a couple of years — since she was a minor.

And then, after a month of dating, she gets pregnant with the rebound guy.

(Tyga has claimed that he’s the baby daddy, but the math on that doesn’t really seem to add up)

As wonderful for Kylie’s unborn child as it will be to have a father who has publicly rated Kylie’s skills in bed with that child-to-be’s aunt Kendall’s, you’d think that Kylie’s first baby would be with a guy whom she, you know, genuinely knew as a person.

Regardless, she’s pregnant now.

And it looks like she’s at least taking the pregnancy thing seriously.

RadarOnline reports that Kylie Jenner hired a pregnancy coach, even though she has an extended family of experienced mothers and isn’t due until next year.

“Kylie hired a pregnancy coach too, who will help her with nutrition and exercise, as well as take her through Lamaze training when she gets further along,” their source tells them.

Lamaze is a, like, 60-year-old technique of breathing in order to cope with labor pains.

(Fun fact: the best way to cope with labor pains is an epidural! But yes, breathing is good in addition to the epidural)

“Kylie is definitely not taking any chances when it comes to her unborn baby!”

That’s very good to hear.

Kylie, as we’ve noted, has a wonderful and loving bond with her dogs, so it is our suspicion (and hope) that this will translate into some great maternal instincts.

She has also reportedly hired four new assistants to help run her business — remember, Kylie Lip Kits are a big business and have made her a makeup mogul practically overnight.

(In fact, Kylie Cosmetics is projected to become a billion-dollar beauty brand by 2022. It will be interesting to see whether Kylie’s pregnancy and impending motherhood hastens that climb … or slows it)

Some might say that hiring this guy already is excessive, and they might be right.

But you know what? 

Kylie has basically unlimited resources that she can spend however she likes. And if she wants to overprepare — if that’s even possible — for motherhood, we say that that is immeasurably better than being underprepared.
