Friday, December 1, 2017

Kylie Jenner to Kim Kardashian: Stop Making Me Insecure About My Body!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

For reasons that remain unclear, Kylie hasn’t confirmed that she’s expecting, but she’s always been sort of a private, press-shy type.

Just kidding, Kris Jenner is probably planning a televised announcement, complete with celebrity cameos.

Anyway, sources one of the reasons for all the secrecy is the fact that Kylie is feeling self-conscious about her appearance these days.

We suppose being pregnant for the first time in front of 100 million social media followers can have that effect.

The relationship between Kylie and older sister Kim Kardashian has always been a complex one, charactrized as it is by both competition and mutual admiration.

In the past, fans have observed that Kylie seems to be “transforming” into Kim, styling herself to more closely resemble her most famous sibling.

Now it seems Kylie’s pregnancy has only deepened her appreciation for Kim’s famous physique.

“The tables have really turned between Kim and Kylie,” a source close to the family tells Hollywood Life. 

“When Kim was pregnant with Saint she spent a lot of time being envious of Kylie’s amazing body. Kylie was getting so much attention at the time, it was kind of the start of her takeover and it was hard on Kim.”

Yes, it seems Kylie’s pregnancy has marked the beginning of a new stage in the battle for Kard clan dominance.

And Kylie is currently feeling like Kim has the upper hand:

“She was already feeling uncomfortable with her pregnancy weight gain and getting compared to her little sister only made it worse.”

Kim Kardashian Sexy Pose

“But now that’s all flipped and Kylie’s feeling jealous of Kim’s body,” the source added. 

“Kylie’s proud of her sister for getting in such great shape but it also makes her very envious.”

Frankly, we think Kylie’s looking at this situation all wrong.

After all, we’re many women would kill to be in regular contact with a mom who’s got the inside track on all the best personal trainers and Photoshop practitioners.
