Friday, December 1, 2017

Mike Flynn Pleads Guilty, Will Testify Against Donald Trump!

Former Trump advisor Mike Flynn has entered a guilty plea.

The man who once led a chant of "lock her up!" is now facing up to 5 years in prison. But that"s not even the biggest part of this story.

As you"ll see in the video below, ABC News is reporting that Mike Flynn is prepared to testify against Donald Trump.

Donald trump mike flynn splitDonald trump mike flynn

Mike Flynn is a retired Lt. General from the US Army. In 2016, he was a key advisor to Donald Trump"s presidential campaign.

After Trump entered office, Flynn continued to act as Trump"s adviser and confidant.

And, well, Flynn is in a whole heap of trouble. 

He was the first big name to depart from the Trump administration.

(The first of many, though we think that Scaramucci"s 10-day stint as Communications Director before getting fired has been hard to top, even in an administration notorious for messiness and high turnover)

Paul Manafort was arrested, and Trump has taken steps to distance himself from his former campaign manager. Trump has also distanced himself from Papadopoulos. 

But throughout his time in the White House, Trump has been curiously loyal to Flynn. Some believe that they might be genuine friends, or at least as close to friends as a man like Trump is capable of having.

Others believe that Mike Flynn may simply know too much about Donald Trump for Trump to be willing to alienate him.

Mike flynn

Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and faces as much as 5 years in prison.

He apparently lied about contact with the Russian Ambassador, discussing sanctions.

That plea is wildly lenient, considering that Flynn was facing other, more serious charges related to his backroom dealings with Russia on behalf of the Trump campaign.

Mueller"s investigation also had its eye on Flynn"s son.

Political analysts immediately pointed out that Mike Flynn must be cooperating with Mueller"s investigation, surrendering information on a "bigger fish" and agreeing to testify in exchange for leniency — for himself and for his son.

Don trump

Flynn would have answered to very few people: to Mike Pence, to Reice Priebus, to Jared Kushner, and to Trump himself.

All of whom are big fish within the Trump administration.

ABC News reports that their reliable source tells them that Mike Flynn is cooperating fully with Mueller … and is willing to testify against Donald Trump himself.

As you"ll see in the video below, they say that Mike Flynn only reached this conclusion very recently and decided to cooperate and agree to reveal the truth to investigators rather than continue to battle charges in court.

While we don"t know the full details yet, apparently Flynn will testify that it was Donald Trump who directed Mike Flynn to contact the Russians during the campaign.

Donald trump mike flynn campaign photo

This is huge. To many Americans, it feels like Christmas has come early.

Those who are eager to see Trump impeached and ideally imprisoned shouldn"t count their eggs before they hatch, however.

The wheels of justice move slowly, particularly when there are so many ways for the Trump Administration to obstruct investigations.

And impeachment isn"t something that the will of the American public can do — it has to be Congress. Which, as the recent tax bill has demonstrated, clearly no longer feels beholden to the American voters.

Still, Flynn entering a plea is major news. We are all eager to hear what exactly he has to reveal about Trump.

Mike flynn pleads guilty will testify against donald trump