Thursday, June 14, 2018

Kim Kardashian: I Got This! I Can Fix Twitter, Everyone!

Kim Kardashian is riding high these days.

And why shouldn’t she?

The often-maligned reality star achieved something legitimately impressive this month, talking President Donald Trump into commuting the sentence of a 63-year old name Alice Marie Johnson.

Johnson had been in prison for over two decades due to a non-violent drug offense and had been sentenced to spend her life behind bars.

But Kardashian’s activism on regard to this issue helped set Johnson free.

Now, Kim has set her sights on an even more challenging goal:

Convinving Twitter to FINALLY add an Edit button to its interface!

On Monday, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star wrote on social media that she talked up Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey at a party and felt positive about the progress she made on this issue.

“I had a very good convo with @jack this weekend at Kanye’s bday and I think he really heard me out on the edit button,” wrote the 27-year old mother of three.

This whole Edit button thing has been an issue pretty much since Twitter burst on to the Internet scene.

As it stands now, one cannot go back in and change any spelling mistakes – or any mistakes or any nature – after a Tweet goes live.

One must either delete the original Tweet and post a new one, or share a second Tweet that amends the first Tweet.

We’d have to imagine this has become Kim’s new major cause after she met with President Trump, America’s most prominent terrible speller and misguided Twitter user.

(Remember the Covfefe disaster?)

Dorsey responded to Kim’s Tweet with one of his own, writing:

“Now I see why I was invited [to that party]!” to which the fashion maven responded:

“Hahaha never! Kanye loves you! But I had to bring it up.”

With the Edit button among the most pressing of concerns for the general public, Internet users jumped on their own accounts and showed Kardashian with praise for this effort.

“Thank you for your service Kim,” one fan tweeted, while another chimed in as follows:

“I third this motion.”


Having an Edit option could have maybe benefited West a a few weeks ago after the rapper garnered major backlash for expressing his support for President Donald Trump.

The rapper called the Command-in-Chief his “brother” during a Twitter rant in April, prompting Kardashian to defend her husband… via Twitter, of course.

“When he spoke about Trump,” explained Kim. “Most people (including myself) have very different feelings & opinions about this.

“But this is HIS opinion. I believe in people being able to have their own opinions, even if really different from mine. He never said he agrees with his politics.”

Ideally, though, you just know Kardashian wishes she could have gone in and changed some of Kanye’s wording.

At some point down the line, perhaps she’ll be able to.
