Thursday, June 14, 2018

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: Honeymoon Details Revealed!

It’s been less than a month since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, as the Clooneys and a few million peasants looked on adoringly.

But already, the former Suits actress is fulfilling the royal duties and carrying on the tradition of being shamed for breaking protocol by traditionalist incels who long for the return of powdered wigs and beheadings.

Yes, Meghan will spend the rest of her life in a fishbowl, her every move scrutinized, her every decision questioned.

Fortunately, before she entered into the devil’s bargain that’s been chronicled in at least a dozen Disney movies, she and Harry were able to enjoy a bit of private time, just the two of them.

There were several rumors regarding the location of Harry and Meg’s honeymoon, with many speculating that the couple would keep it colonial by traveling to Ireland or Canada.

Not surprisingly, the allure of Toronto in the springtime, with its 40 degree days and plentiful cans of Labatt’s did not prove too strong to resist.

So instead, the couple embarked for a locale with special meaning to both of them.

According to E! News, Harry and Meghan honeymooned in Africa, where they traveled to at least two different countries.

“It was the perfect break and blend of their passions,” a source tells the outlet.

“Restorative and the perfect holiday before starting a very busy second half of 2018.”

The insider says Meghan and Harry enjoyed such activities “as safaris, outdoor adventures, and lying in the sun.”

Wait … there are things to do outside besides lying in the sun?!

We’ll have to research that one and get back to you.

Africa is where Harry proposed to Meghan (we can only hope he sang, “Lets’s get engaaaaged down in Africa” to the tune of Toto).

Years earlier, it was where he went his brother and father to escape the press following the death of his mother, Princess Diana.

The continent held added appeal for Meg and Harry as a place where they can enjoy each other’s company and the outdoors without being harassed by the media.

“Going somewhere they can bring minimal security to and not worry about people seeing them has been of the utmost importance,” says one insider.

No word yet on whether Harry and Meg got down to the business of siring a male heir, but sources say Meghan wants to get pregnant as soon as possible.

Let the royal bump watch begin!
