Thursday, June 7, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Look! I Still Support Tristan Thompson for Some Reason!

Tristan Thompson scored eight points and pulled down seven rebounds in Game 3 of the NBA Finals on Wednesday night.

But that modest statline barely told the story of this scandal-plagued power forward, who also likely scored after the game by pulling down someone else’s pants.

This should come as no surprise, of course, based on Thompson’s history.

But it should come as a surprise when you consider the woman with whom we’re assuming Tristan scored:


Indeed, the long-time reality star and the mother of Thompson’s second child was in attendance at Quicken Loans Arena yesterday to watch Tristan and the Cleveland Cavaliers lose by a score of 110-102 to the Golden State Warriors.

The Warriors are now just one victory away from their third championship in four seasons, which is a very impressive feat.

Still, it’s not nearly as impressive as what Thompson appears to have accomplished here:

The shady southpaw has apparently gotten away with his many months of cheating on Kardashian and is now back in her good graces.

How else to interpret Khloe cheering on the Cavs at the game, while wearing a a team t-shirt and smiling as she made her way around the arena, according to TMZ and many onlookers?

Khloe gave birth to a baby girl she actually named True back on April 11.

This blessed event took place mere days after word spread across the Internet that Thompson had been sleeping with a multitude of women behind her (PREGNANT!) back.

Nevertheless, Khloe has remained in Cleveland since her child’s arrival, reportedly not residing with her dishonest boyfriend, yet clearly interacting with him very often.

(Let’s be serious, right? No one would leave in Cleveland voluntarily unless he or she had a practical reason to do so.)

Recent reports have alleged that Khloe’s famous family members have been urging her to move back to Los Angeles.

Yet she has shown no inclination to do so.

Does this mean Khloe has fully forgiven Thompson?

Or perhaps she just thinks it’s best for little True to have a father in her life.

We can’t say at the moment.

But Thompson has been showing signs of stress and tension throughout these playoffs, likely because he’s aware that once they’re over, he won’t have any excuse any longer to be away from Khloe.

(Nor, lacking any more road trips, will he have reliable avenue on which he can cheat on her.)

Last week, Thompson got into a screaming match with Draymond Green and then shoved a ball in his face, as you can see here:

Then, he got so fed up with a reporter that he cursed and walked away in a huff, as you can see here:

What will happen when the Cavs lose to the Warriors and Thompson is faced with a long offdeason and plenty of questions to answer at home?

The kind that have less to do with playing defense on Steph Curry and more to do with defending the duplicitous actions of his penis?

We don’t know.

But we’re sort of excited to find out.
