Thursday, June 28, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Has All the Power?

It’s that time of the year again. 

By that we mean the time a group of people desperate for fame and fortune makes their way into the Big Brother house in an attempt to scheme their way to the top spot. 

Being the milestone 20th season of the veteran CBS reality series, there were a string of changes in store. If anything, the two-hour opener wasted a lot of time introducing the houseguests. 

When it came to introducing themselves, Steve was quick to lie that he was a mechanic. In reality, he’s a former NYPD undercover cop and is scared about the other houseguests going after him. 

The issue with Steve is that he sketches the other houseguests out. Tyler wondered why the man was staring at him in such an awkward manner. 

Steve will not last very long in the house if he can’t keep up with his ruse. The cracks are already beginning to appear. 

Big Brother split the sixteen houseguests into two teams. Before we knew it, one half were looking for folders to allow them to play another competition, and the other was caught up in a spelling competition. 

Angela found the folder that allowed her to escape the dimly lit room, and take part in the next competition. Swaggy C (yes, that’s his name!) won the spelling competition. 

Kaycee and Sam were given punishments for poor performance in the first challenge. Kaycee needs to stay where she is when her necklace spins, and Sam was turned into a robot. 

Before Swaggy C and Angela got to face off for control of the game, they chatted about the outcome. Angela shocked Swaggy C by saying that she would not be saving him because she needed to save the eight she competed with to keep it fair. 

Swaggy had a bit of an ego. He paraded around the house before the second competition and started to ruffle some feathers, so Bayliegh told him to dial it back, and they agreed to look out for each other.

The “BB Web” competition found the two competitors on a surfboard each and trying to dodge obstacles. It seemed like Angela was going to put her athletic past to good use, but she ultimately lost out. 

Julie then told Swaggy that he would pick two of the four teams who went into the house to make safe with his power. It resulted in people offering up firstborns to get to stay in the house. 

We kid, mostly, but Angela seemed to think she was safe because Swaggy whispered as much in her ear. That’s not how the game is played. 

When it got down to the nitty-gritty, Swaggy saved himself, Brett, Rachel, & Angie. Scottie, Kaycee, Haleigh, & Faysal.

The silly thing is that Swaggy has already proven he’s not a man of his word by lying his way to early victory, and that’s going to come back to bite him when the others go after him. 

What did you think of the season premiere?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday at 9/8c on CBS. 
