Monday, June 18, 2018

Brandon Thomas Lee to Tommy Lee: Do I Need to Knock You Out Again?!

Remember a few months ago when Tommy Lee wanted his son locked up after Brandon Thomas Lee allegedly punched him iout cold to defend the honor of his mother, Pamela Anderson?

Well, alleged alcoholic devil Tommy Lee decided to mark Father"s Day by publicly criticizing both of his adult sons along with their mother.

Brandon responded with a post of his own … and with a short, silent video that appears to show his father knocked the f–k out. Wow.

This whole thing could have been avoided if Tommy Lee had been able to exercise even an ounce of self-control in his Father"s Day post to Instagram.

"Happy Father’s Day fellas!" Tommy Lee announces. "I’m not gonna sit here and post some fluffed up bulls–t for the public to read…. I’m gonna be honest."

First of all, holiday posts by celebrities are rarely a time to be honest or get real. You just say whatever"s best for your brand and move on.

"Being a father ain’t easy!" Tommy laments. "I’m so tired of the fake s–t I keep seeing all over IG… let’s get real: It’s a rollercoaster ok?"

Being a parent is challenging, it"s true. But that doesn"t mean that happy posts on social media are "fake s–t."

Some people — certainly not all of us — have happy and healthy family relationships and are eager to express that.

Tommy Lee then talks about his own father.

"My father taught me to respect everyone and everything and to take care of those that I loved," Tommy writes. "He taught me to appreciate my possessions, and to be grateful for the things I was given."

You can see that he is foreshadowing his criticisms of his sons.

"I’ve f–ked up at times," Tommy admits. "But I’ve always bounced back."

Well, no one is disputing that he has royally screwed up at times.

Tommy continues: "When I had a child, my first child, I wanted to instill those same virtues into him."

This is where Tommy decides to cast aspersions upon not one, but both of his sons.

"Sometimes I feel like I failed as a father, because my kids don’t know the value of things," Tommy says.

He then lists examples of the alleged shortcomings of Brandon Thomas Lee and of Dylan Jagger Lee.

"If they break something," Tommy complains. "They don’t care because they know they’ll just get a new one."

That sounds like a healthy perspective to have. Sometimes, things break. That"s life. There"s no use crying over spilled milk, as the saying goes.

"If they hurt someone," Tommy says, clearly alluding to Brandon. "They don’t care because so many people tell them it’s OK."

Tommy Lee continues, writing: "I never wanted this for my kids."

"I know I’m not fully to blame," Tommy says. "Because their mom has a lot to do with it, enabling bad behavior and buying them things when they weren’t good, but I guess I hoped at the end of the day they would end up kind."

Nothing says Happy Father"s Day like a post whining about how you don"t like your children and blaming their mom for it, huh?

"I love them dearly, don’t get me wrong," Tommy says in an attempt to assure people that he"s the good guy. "But man, sometimes it’s really tough to watch your kids grow up without those morals."

Interesting to hear a guy accused of rampant drug use and of domestic violence lament someone else"s lack of morals.

"Nothing can really prepare you for fatherhood …." Tommy says.

That is true enough.

Tommy concludes: "I love my boys but they can be assholes too…and that’s the truth (Cue Honest Guy music)"

Do you know who was not even a little bit amused by his father"s post? Brandon Thomas Lee.

He didn"t like that he, his younger brother, or his mother were insulted yet again by his father, and he took to Instagram.

"Remember what happened last time you said this s–t?" Brandon writes.

Last time, of course, Tommy Lee accused his own son of assaulting him, which appears to have happened during Brandon"s effort to defend his mother"s honor.

"Night night," Brandon adds.

By which he means that he allegedly burst into the room and knocked his father out cold.

Brandon then mentions that Tommy wasn"t actually the father he thought himself to be, writing: "You gotta show up to be a Dad big guy."

He defends himself and his brother while also picking apart his father"s claims.

"If you think we’re so bad (which I can assure you we are not)," Brandon says. "Then you should have showed up to a few more BDays and baseball games."

Brandon then makes it clear that he is the good man he is because of his mother.

"Someone like you," he writes to Tommy. "Couldn’t raise a man like me."

Brandon goes on to lament that his dad is "once again painting our family in a negative light."

Tommy Lee could have made a generic post or he could have written nothing at all instead of launching an attack on almost his entire family.

"Who the f–k are you?" Brandon asks.

He advises that his dad stop harping on past conflicts.

"Just move on dude…" Brandon suggests. "WE ALL HAVE."

And he also issues what might appear to be a threat.

"Or I’ll put you right back to f–kin sleep," Brandon warns.

Tommy lee knocked out cold

Brandon Thomas Lee then uploaded a silent video to Instagram.

In the video, Tommy Lee seems to lay unconscious on the floor, while someone else — presumably his young wife, Brittany Furlan — seeks to prevent him from being filmed.

One can infer that this video was recorded by Brandon himself immediately following the alleged incident in which he is said to have knocked his father out cold.

At the time, Brandon was staying with Tommy Lee to help him with his sobriety when Tommy Lee said some very unkind things, very publicly, about Pamela Anderson. Brandon did not care for his words.

"Look a little sleepy there Tommy," Brandon wrote as a simple caption.

Though Brandon received some critical comments from those who felt sympathy for Tommy Lee, he also received praise on Instagram.

"Wow. Your mom did an amazing job with you boys," one fan writes. "She’s the one that walked away when he punched her out while she held you in her arms. The fact he has anything to say about you kids or Pam is mind boggling. I think the booze is pickling his brain. Be part of the intervention. He needs help."

Others advise Brandon to distance himslef from toxic people.

"Don’t affiliate your life with trash," a commenter says. "You’re better than that."

Some just offered him heartfelt congratulations for (allegedly) taking action against his father.

"Good on you Brandon," a fan comments. "There"s only so much crap you can take before acting upon it. I know the feeling too well."


Well, we hope that everyone else"s Father"s Day weekend went better than this celebrity family"s!

Brandon thomas lee to tommy lee do i need to knock you out again