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Showing posts with label …Or. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Pregnant Pole Dancer: You Go, Girl or... EWWW, Go Away, Girl?

You know how the Internet gets really upset when a pregnant woman shows off her toned stomach?

We can"t wait to see how the Internet therefore reacts to the following story…

The following video features Kat Bailey, a woman who is seven and a half months pregnant… and who we also meet while she’s dancing on a pole.

The mother-to-be is NOT a stripper, it"s worth noting.

But she"s certainly engaging here in some stripper-like behavior.

Bailey is a former lecturer in psychology at Nottingham Trent University. She’s taking part below in a theater pole dancing skit, which is apparently a thing.

At least in England.

As you can see, Bailey is rocking a rather huge baby bump.

She is also executing a number of moves – including an inverted sit-ups and crazy pull-ups during – that involve her stomach being pressed up against the pole.

Nevertheless, she totally kills her high-energy performance, even while carrying important cargo.

But should she have been doing this in the first place?

"Our doctors were very supportive," Bailey told the Nottingham Post, explaining:

"If you"ve done something for a while before you were pregnant then keep on doing it. It"s not a great idea to take up a dangerous hobby when you become pregnant, but in general they do encourage exercise when you"re expecting."

That"s true.

You typically hear that sort of advice when it comes to exercise, not pole dancing.

But we guess pole dancing is a type of exercise

Check out the controversial routine for yourself:

8 month pregnant pole dancer you go girl or ewww go away girl