Showing posts with label 5Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5Year. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Ailing 5-Year Old Marries Best Friend, Is Too Precious for Words

WARNING: The following photo gallery will make you cry.

It"s all but guaranteed.

But we still think it"s worth your time to read about a five-year girl named Sophia Chiappalone.

She hails from Connecticut and she was born with a serious heart defect.

Prior to going in for her fourth surgery, Sophia told her parents that she wanted to marry her best friend, a four-year old named Hunter.

With the assistance of photographer Marisa Balletti-Lavoie, Sophia"s parents turned this dream into an amazing reality.

Scroll down for all the details, and grab a box of tissues as you do:

1. This is Sophia

This is sophia

She has tragically been in and out of the hospital for most of her young life.

2. Such a Sad Story

Such a sad story

Sophia was born with a genetic heart defect and not expected to live past the age of two.

3. Sophia is Due to Undergo a Fourth Surgery on Her Heart

Sophia is due to undergo a fourth surgery on her heart

First, however, she asked for something special: Could she marry her best friend, Hunter?

4. Too Precious for Words

Too precious for words

“That’s all she wanted in the world, was to marry the love of her life,” Sophia’s mom, Kristy, told a local NBC affiliate.

5. The Perfect Bride

The perfect bride

“She was born with half of a heart — the whole right side of her heart was missing,” added Kristy to NBC upon sharing these photos and this story.

6. Enter Marisa Balletti-Lavoie

Enter marisa balletti lavoie

The photographer was only too happy to help with this special project. (And you can follow her on Facebook at Sassy Mouth Photo.)

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