Showing posts with label AbrahamAmber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AbrahamAmber. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Farrah Abraham-Amber Portwood Fight: A Stunt For Farrah"s Spinoff Show?!

When you think about it, the Teen Mom franchise and the world of professional wrestling have a lot in common.

Both center around ridiculous drama, some of which is scripted, and some of which is just a natural result of pointing cameras at heavily made-up, emotionally unstable attention-seekers.

Perhaps the greatest similarity is that in both settings, people like Farrah Abraham, who should probably be shunned from society, are not only welcomed, but encouraged to behave in as bonkers a fashion as possible:

As you may have heard, Farrah got into a fight with Amber Portwood during the recent taping of the Teen Mom: OG reunion show.

Details have been hard to come by, which makes sense, as MTV wants you to turn into the main event and they’ll no doubt be hyping this thing like Mayweather-Pacquiao fight in the coming weeks.

(Farrah is Mayweather in this analogy, because she makes a ton of money, might be illiterate, and everyone hates her.)

Anyway, Amber spoke out about the fight, but basically she just Don King-ed the hell out of it, telling TM fans that they’ll find out the truth liiiiive! (on tape) when the reunion show airs next month.

Meanwhile, Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, has been viciously attacking her co-stars on Twitter like some sort of hype man in a hip hop feud.

If the whole thing feels a bit like a publicity stunt, well – that’s because it almost certainly is.

Network insiders say MTV is setting the stage for a Farrah spinoff show, and this latest stunt is their way of reminding the world that she’s crazy enough to support her own series.

There’s been no official announcement, but this news certainly explains an awful lot.

Shortly after news of the fight went public, Farrah threatened to take he daughter off of Teen Mom as a result of the scuffle.

The news didn’t make sense for a number of reasons:

For starters, Sophia Abraham was in no way involved with the fight.

On top of that, the women film in entirely different parts of the country and only interact at the reunion show, thus making Farrah’s claim that she’s worried about her daughter’s safety utter BS.

Oh, and the show’s called freakin’ Teen Mom, so without kids on it, what the hell is the point?

If Farrah decided to take her daughter off of TM and co-star with her on a different show, however, is might serve a solution that would make everyone happy.

The other castmembers have been very vocal about the fact that they’re not crazy about co-starring with a trainwreck named Farrah.

For her part, Farrah has been trying to build a career for Sophia, because she’s 7, so it’s time she started pulling her own weight, dammit!

A Farrah spinoff might allow the network to kill two birds and a billion viewer brain cells with one stone.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to get caught up on all things Farrah in time for the prize fight of the century.
