Showing posts with label Advisors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advisors. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2015

Marco Rubio & Rand Paul"s Campaign Advisors Got Into A Fistfight In A Bar — And It"s All On Video!

Boys, boys, boys, this isn’t how to serve the public!

A barroom brawl went down Thursday night between two of the top campaign officials for Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Rand Paul.

Related: Remember That Time Rubio Hit A Small Child In The Face With A Football?

The alleged incident — on the eve of the influential Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan — took place at Horn’s Bar, and pitted the two campaign wizards against each other fist-to-fist!

John Yob, national political director for Senator Paul’s campaign, logged on to Facebook early Friday alleging Rich Beeson, who is Senator Rubio’s deputy campaign manager, slugged him unprovoked in a bar:

Last night I went to a bar on Mackinac Island for the GOP Mackinac Conference. I ran into a guy named Rich Beeson, who…
Posted by John Patrick Yob on Friday, September 18, 2015

That is some heavy shade about Beeson, with Yob saying Rubio’s handler “isn’t relevant in our political world.” BURN!!!

Yob also alleges that the state police are looking for Beeson — who reporters couldn’t contact for comment after the incident — and that there were multiple video angles of the incident.

Related: Rubio Announces His Presidential Run By Shading Hillary Clinton!

Then, Yob followed up with a pretty direct wish regarding Beeson’s political future:

I am hereby calling on Marco Rubio to fire Rich Beeson effective immediately.
Posted by John Patrick Yob on Friday, September 18, 2015

Shots. Fired.

But is Yob’s accusation really true??? You be the judge! We’ve got the video (below)!!!


A spokeswoman for the Michigan State Police, Shannon Banner, said that while MSP is not investigating the incident, the Mackinac Island Police Department is looking into the alleged unprovoked attack.

Related: EXCLUSIVE! Brandi Glanville Supports Donald Trump!

Mackinac Island police chief Brett Riccinto seemed almost amused at the campaign war of words (and punches!), saying to reporters:

“It wasn’t a brawl. If anything, it was a shove. Literally, it was a shove. This thing has been blown way, way, way out of proportion.”

Nevertheless, Riccinto did admit that Yob has filed a complaint seeking Beeson be charged with assault, and that Riccinto’s department is now investigating the security camera footage from the bar.

Get your popcorn ready!!

[Image via Johnny Louis/JLN Photography/Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]