Showing posts with label Aghast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aghast. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Little People, Big World Fans are Aghast Amy Roloff is Doing THIS to Matt Roloff

It’s been known for several months now that Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff share a unique living situation.

The reality stars got divorced in May of 2016, yet have continued to reside very close to each other on the family farm.

However, Little People, Big World fans learned two new things about this arrangement on Tuesday night’s episode:

ONE: Amy and Matt only live, like, 500 feet apart.

TWO: Amy resides in the home in which she and Matt raised their kids; while Matt resides in a much smaller house.

It’s been this way for nearly two years now, but Matt admitted on Little People, Big World this week that things have gotten especially awkward now that both halves of the ex-couple are in serious relationships.

“It wasn’t supposed to be permanent,” Matt said on camera about the circumstances, adding:

“I’m either at a place now where I need to dig in my roots further on the farm and build a house that suits me, or I need to think about finding real estate off the farm.”

Along those lines, Matt and girlfriend Caryn Chandler looked a few properties toward the end of this latest episode.

Will Matt really move away?

He’s hesitant to go too far because he wants to stay close to grandkids Ember and Jackson.

And while Matt weighs his options, Little People, Big World viewers have taken to social media to drag Amy for putting her ex-husband in this unfortunate bind.

“Amy should not have the house he should be able to buy her out!!” wrote one Internet user following the episode, while another shared this sentiment:

“He has more medical issues… he does more of the work on the property anyway!!! I would never have agreed to let her live there. She is so combative and her attitude is negative!

This same individual told Amy to go shack upwith her boyfriend, writing:

“Live with Chris, Amy!!! [It’s] a family farm.”

For whatever reason, it really does seem as though fans of this TLC series don’t like Amy very much.

In this case, they’re giving her a hard time for simply sticking to the terms of an agreement she and Matt made together a long time ago.

In past cases, they gave her a hard time for… showing off her Easter dinner table?!? Yes.

“It’s sad to see you put Chris in your home your Matt built for y’all and the kids!!” one person commented, continuing to blast the star as follows:

“It’s so [disrespectful] I could never do that to my ex-husband or my kids.”

Pictured here with Chris Marek, Amy Roloff simply can’t watch a break from many television viewers.

To Amy’s credit, she has never responded to this misguided vitriol.

She has always taken the high road — or no road at all, even, simply ignoring the online hate and going about her business.

It’s also worth mentioning that this Little People, Big World episode was filmed many months ago.

Matt has not raised the living issue since in public, making it apparent that there’s no real beef here. His complaints at the time may have been scripted by producers for the sake of drama or ratings.

Therefore, if Matt doesn’t really have a problem with his living arrangement, why would anyone who has never even met these problems speak up about it?

Take a chill pill, trolls.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Meghan King Edmonds Channels Pregnant Beyonce, Leaves Internet Aghast

According to the Internet, Meghan King Edmonds just made a royal mistake.

The former Real Housewives of Orange County cast member, who announced her second pregnancy in late November, has posed for a new photo on Instagram.

It’s a way for her to act all excited about the pair of babies in her belly, but it’s not exactly being met with enthusiasm by …

… well, anyone who has looked at it.

And this is because Edmonds has the audacity in this snapshot to straight up copy the one and only Beyonce Knowles.

Not just in some vague or broad fashion, either.

But by deliberately and blatantly channeling the iconic singer and the legendary way in which she announced she was pregnant with twins back in February of 2017.

We’re guessing you remember that image, right?

Just in case you somehow forgot…

Shortly after the time of this photo’s publication, it became the most-Liked picture in the history of Instagram.

(Tragically, it has since been surpassed by Kylie Jenner’s first-ever baby photo. But that isn’t the point at the moment.)

So, what did Edmonds just dare to do?

Copy Beyonce exactly!

“If I can’t be Queen Bey I’ll settle for King Edmonds,” wrote the ex-reality star as a caption to the photograph below.

She also added the hashtags: #twinscomingsoon #imitationisflattery #thisIsNotMyMaternityShoot.

As you might expect, the Internet wasn’t exactly psyched about this recreation.

Yes, of course the former Bravo star can pose in any way she wants…but come on now,  Meghan!

Be your own person! Don’t just copy the most popular celebrity on the planet.

As you can see below, one person referred to this photo as “offensive,” but others rushed to the star’s defense.

Where do you stand on this very contentious issue?


In January, Edmonds resigned her position as a Real Houswife, writing on her official blog:

“Today is a bittersweet day for me.  After three seasons of the rollercoaster that is The Real Housewives of Orange County I’ve decided to hang up my OC Housewife hat…

“I must focus on my family and my pregnancy.   

“I will miss the rush of the first all-cast event of the season, the anticipation of receiving each week’s episode, the thrill of wrapping the reunion.”

Will you miss Edmonds on the series?

Sound off below, and then be taken back Beyonce’s memorable photo shoots right here and now: 
