Showing posts with label AntiBeyonce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AntiBeyonce. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Anti-Beyonce Protest in NYC Draws HOW MANY Supporters?

Beyonce Knowles gave a staggering performance of her new song “Formation” during this year’s Super Bowl halftime that earned overwhelming praise and left most Americans bowing down in awe.

Buuuuut naturally, there had to be a few sourpusses. 

Some folks thought her dancers’ costumes paid tribute to the Black Panthers and accused Queen Bey of “race baiting” and called the performance a “slap in the face of law enforcement.”

A protest was organized for Tuesday in New York City, asking supporters to “stand together” and “tell the NFL we don’t want hate speech & racism at the Superbowl ever again!”

And just how many citizens showed up to express their outrage?

Two (2).

There was one guy, NYC resident Ariel Kohane and a girl named April who only identified herself as a student.

Oh, how embarrassing. 

In fact, far more people came to the anti-anti-Beyonce protest, with more than 100 fans supporting the artist.

Don’t mess with the Beyhive, friends. They will come at you in swarms.

Seems like most peeps weren’t really that offended, and for the record, we didn’t see any disses to police officers in the show.

But you can re-watch the video and judge for yourself.