Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2016

Taylor Swift Raps, Falls on Her Face in Apple Ad

The Taylor Swift versus Apple Music feud is officially over.

The singer was widely praised last year after she wrote an open letter criticizing Apple for not paying musicians appropriately for their Apple Music contributions.

Within hours of this letter going public, the company changed its policy. Because how could they not? This was Taylor Swift.

Fast forward several months and Swift is now starring in a funny new ad for Apple Music.

It features the beloved artist, clad in gym clothes, saying that she hates doing cardio.

But she then chooses Drake and Future’s “Jumpman” from a GymFlow play list and starts doing a pretty terrific rap along to the track.

It"s not easy to rap and run, however. This is made evident when Swift falls flat on her face. OUCH!

Distractingly good, Apple says of its Music in the subsequent tagline.

In Tweeting the video to fans, Swift made it appear as if fiction mixed with real life as inspiration for the ad.

“Based on true events. #TAYLORvsTREADMILL," she wrote.

Check out the humorus commercial now:

Taylor swift raps falls on her face in apple ad

Monday, December 7, 2015

Ronda Rousey Opens Up About Injuries: I Still Can"t Eat an Apple!

Back in November, Ronda Rousey lost her UFC bantamweight title to Holly Holm following a crushing defeat that left the reigning champ considerably worse for wear.

After an emergency hospitalization, there were rumors that Rousey would require plastic surgery.

When she appeared in public for the first time after the fight, Rousey covered her face from paparazzi, fueling rumors that the damage was even more severe than it initially looked.

Though it was a kick to the neck that put Rousey down for the count, the 28-year-old – speaking publicly for the first time since her knockout  – says the most significant damage she sustained was to her mouth.

The stitches in her lip have yet to dissolve, and she’s still sporting several loose teeth. Rousey was her usual straightforward self when assessing the damage in a recent interview with ESPN magazine:

“It might be three to six months before I can eat an apple, let alone take an impact,” Rousey said, when asked about her plans to return to the ring.

While that may sound like a grim prognosis, Rousey made it clear in the interview that she’s down – but definitely not out.

Though she admitted that she was “really f–king sad,” for weeks following the Holm match, she ways that her lip “looks awesome” after surgery, and assures fans that there will be a rematch.

Holm was dominant in the first go-round, but we get the feeling that Rousey on the comeback trail will be a force to be reckoned with.

“Maybe I can’t do it all before my prime, before my body is done,” she said. “But f–k it, maybe I can.” 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Watch Taraji P. Henson, Kerry Washington, & Mary J. Blige Have A Dance Party In This Apple Music Commercial!

That’s exactly how we imagine it!

There’s no doubt that the Emmys were AH-Mazing last night.

Between Amy Schumer winning, Game Of Thrones taking home a record amount of Emmys, and Tracy Morgan taking the stage, what was there NOT to love?

But there may have been one thing during the awards that stole the show — Apple Music’s commercial!

That’s because this particular commercial starred Taraji P. Henson, Kerry Washington, and Mary J. Blige as the ladies got together at Mary’s house to have a little dance party!

Related: Oprah Winfrey, Diddy, Kerry Washington, & Others React Viola Davis’ Historic Emmy Win!

Of course the commercial was advertising Apple Music‘s “For You” feature which recommends songs for you based on your preferences and listening history.

Sure, that’s fine and all, but let’s get back to Taraji, Kerry, and Mary dancing and jamming out! And don’t worry, there are supposed to be two more commercials with the ladies dropping this week!

Ch-ch-check out the AH-Mazingly talented ladies rock out together (below) as we dream that this is what really happens when they hang!

[Image via Twitter/YouTube.]

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cecil"s Revenge -- Apple Flip-Flops ... App Gets the Greenlight




Cecil the Lion will get his revenge after all!!!

Apple has reversed itself and “Cecil’s Revenge” will now be featured in the App Store. The company rejected the game — in which Cecil and his animal buddies kill hunters in space — because it violated Apple policies by targeting a real-life group. 

The game’s creators tell us Apple didn’t offer an explanation for its change of heart, but it happened after TMZ ran the rejection story

The app had been advertised on Google free of charge, but now it’s priced at $ 0.99 — with all proceeds going to stop illegal poaching. 
