Showing posts with label Apron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apron. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Jenelle Evans: FIRED By Blue Apron For Being Jenelle Evans!

These days, popular reality stars often benefit from multiple secondary revenue streams or “side hustles.”

These can range from podcasts to endorsement deals, but they all typically involve cashing in on the star’s popularity and influence.

Which is why Jenelle Evans has such a hard time finding a lucrative side hustle:

She may have 2.8 million Instagram followers, but judging by the comments on some of her posts, those people are only there to remind Jenelle of how widely disliked she is.

Jenelle’s followers aren’t admirers.

They look at her as an occasionally amusing train wreck, not as an aspirational figure.

They’re not seeking wisdom or offering praise.

And they’re certainly not looking for her advice on how they should spend their hard-earned dollars.

Unless you’ve created your own blissful utopia where all forms of advertising are strictly forbidden, then you’re probably familiar with the meal delivery service Blue Apron.

The company has used celebrities to endorse its service in the past, but it seems they made a major misstep when they signed a deal with the devil, also known as Jenelle Evans.

In an epic market research fail for the ages, it seems the folks at Blue Apron signed Jenelle without looking into her history.

Even casual fans of Teen Mom 2 are aware of Jenelle’s many arrests and the fact that she’s been accused of child abuse and neglect on numerous occasions.

Not exactly the beloved homemaker that the company apparently thought she was.

Jenelle began hawking Blue Apron’s wares on her social media pages last week, and not surprisingly, the gig was extremely short-lived.

Shortly after her first post went live, TM2 fans began bombarding the company with criticism and threats of a boycott:

“By @blueapron having Jenelle Evans as an advertiser for your company is a bad idea. She’s a drug addict who abuses her kids in TV. You just lost my business,” wrote one Twitter user.

“I will pass on Blue Apron now that I know you support Jenelle Evans,” tweeted another vocal critic.

“By the way Blue Apron, Jenelle’s husband called her son a little bitch on camera and your company associates with them? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?” stated a third.

Several fans referenced the widespread rumors that Jenelle did drugs while she was pregnant.

“I guess @blueapron will allow anyone to promote their product, even someone who’s child was born with drugs in their system. Thanks but no thanks,” wrote one user.

Another offered some much-needed words of advice:

“Marketing 101: properly vet the people you might hire to promote your business/products. I mean who are you hiring next? ISIS?”

To its credit, Blue Apron’s response was swift and decisive:

“Thanks for reaching out,” the company tweeted. “We will no longer be advertising with Jenelle.”

In response to the firing, Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, did what he does best and publicly flipped out:

“@blueapron All these Fake accounts talking about Jenelle and you really take it seriously? Now we see where your priorities are. Simple math- there are more followers than haters,” Eason tweeted.

“Keep you cheep food and ill keep shopping at The Pig @MyrtleBeachPig @pigglywiggly.”

Not surprisingly, David’s tweets have since been deleted.

Of course, the damage was probably already done in terms of souring future employers on the idea of working with Jenelle.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for a reminder of just how bonkers the Carolina Hurricane really is.
