Showing posts with label Arianda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arianda. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Arianda Grande Denies Slamming the Kardashians, But...

It’s already on record that Arianda Grande hates America.

But the young singer has also made it known that she hates girl-on-girl verbal violence, as demonstrated by a very odd and seemingly misguided meme she recently shared on Instagram.

Arianda Grande meme

As you can see in the top right, Grande wants to send “8,000,000 roses” to the doorstep of the person who created this image.

She also swears she is not throwing “shade” via her posting of it, writing that she is “shading” other memes, not the Kardashian sisters to whom this one makes reference.

Our heads are spinning faster than Grande backtracked after her aforementioned “I hate America” moment, but allow us to break down the nonsensical nature of this meme:

  • When you juxtapose the Kardashians with a message about how we should spread love, not hate, you are most definitely slamming the Kardashians.

  • Princess Di is featured here because…? You tell us, Ariana.

  • Look, we’re all for feminism. And women definitely insult other women far too often for random, hurtful reasons, such as the color of their blouse or something.

  • But we’re not sure if celebrating “all women” simply because they are women is really an example of feminism.

  • Wendy Williams sucks, that’s simply a fact. Doesn’t it insult and demean women to pretend otherwise, simply because she has breasts?

  • You should agree with us, Ariana.

Is it possible we have overanalyzed this meme? Yes. Anything is possible.

But Grande received so much flak for it that she was forced to delete her post.

Rest in peace, Princess Di. We’re sorry you were dragged into all of this.