Showing posts with label Atkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atkins. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Kim Kardashian Teams with Atkins to Be a Terrible Person

Kim Kardashian is raising her taking her awful role modeling game to new, shameful heights.

The mother of two, who gave birth to son Saint West on December 5, simply won’t shut up about her NEED to shed absolutely all of her pregnancy weight as soon as humanly possible.

And it’s not enough for Kim to publicize this desire, now she’s set to make boatloads of cash off of it.

“Teaming up w/ @AtkinsInsider because it works for me!” Kim Tweeted on Tuesday evening.

“So much variety on #Atkins40 and Harvest Trail Bars = YUM.

“I’m so excited! I’m 30 lbs down today but 40 to go! I’m so focused. I will show u guys my workouts on my app & share my Atkins plan too!”

In other words: I will rake in the cash from my endorsement deal with Atkins AND I will charge my fans money every month to see my workouts online.

Back in 2013, Kardashian also talked openly about the Atkins Diet and how it helped her pad her bank account lose weight.

We’re not sure why Kim doesn’t just put a corset around her waist and get her bikini body back that way instead…

Via her latest nauseating message, Kardashian added:

“I gained 60lbs during my pregnancy but have been an extra 10 lbs up for the last few years so it’s time to really get to my goal…

“This is going to be soooo fucking hard but I can do it and I can’t wait to share it all with you! #BeastMode #WhosWithMe ?!?!?!”

As we’ve said before: Go ahead and lose all the weigh you want, Kim. No one is stopping you, no one is judging you on that alone.

But to constantly bring this topic up is disgusting.

Not all new mothers have a contract with Atkins. Not all new mothers can afford a personal chef and/or a personal trainer. Not all new mothers have a flexible job schedule.

Many new mothers are juggling work with raising their child and taking care of a home and maybe losing every last pound from being pregnant isn’t a priority for them… AND THAT’S OKAY.

Stop making them feel as if they are somehow ugly or lazy or inferior just because the miracle of creating a life has left their body different from how it used to be.