Showing posts with label Basic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic. Show all posts

Friday, October 9, 2015

FKA Twigs to Taylor Swift: You and Your Fans Are Basic B*tches!!

On the most recent edition of Paper Magazine, FKA Twigs makes it clear she isn’t in the market for new friends.  Well, not if that means she has to be friends with Taylor Swift.

Robert Pattison’s finance took some time in her interview to throw some serious shade at Tay.

In the interview, FKA Twigs firmly stated that she has no desire to be friends with the pop star. She said, “I think Taylor Swift is great, but I wouldn’t necessarily think, ‘Oh my god, I have to be friends with her.’”

A hater’s gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.  Shake it off, Taylor.

We aren’t sure what fueled FKA Twigs’ distaste for Taylor Swift.  The two would be unlikely friends, but we didn’t expect them to dislike each other.

Right after she threw shade at Taylor, FKA Twigs began praising her fans for their diverse nature:

“When I meet fans, they’re quite creative and intelligent, kind, sensitive. Some are old ladies, witch doctors from Louisiana, kids that have just left art school. Gay or lesbian couples, straight middle-aged couples.”

Is she claiming that Taylor’s fans are comprised of teenaged white girls from the suburbs?

Maybe.  Be either way, Taylor’s fans are really basic b*tches from the ‘burbs.

Twigs reminded readers that she isn’t like “most pop stars.” She said, “I have that throbbing energy, and I accept it, and I harness it when I need to. It’s not even a conscious thing.” 

Taylor Swift might seem basic, but she takes no sh*t.  Taylor feuded with Katy Perry over her reference to Perry in the song “Bad Blood.” Swift has also been embattled with Nicki Minaj.

Let the battle begin!