Showing posts with label B*tches'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B*tches'. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Farrah Abraham: "The Bachelor" B-tches Are Judgmental Messes!

When this girl makes you look like an ass hat, it’s time to reevaluate your life choices.

On the February 1st episode of The Bachelor, Olivia Caridi commented that fellow contestant (?) Amanda Stanton’s custody battles were playing out like “an episode of Teen Mom.”

Stanton took offense to this, explaining in her one-on-one that she wasn’t a teenager when she became a mom.

“First of all, I was 22 when I had my first, and 24 when I had my second,” Stanton said.

 “I’m an adult.  I have my sh– together.  Like, that was not a very nice thing to say to somebody.”

Caridi attempts to clarify her comment, but Stanton didn’t buy it.

“I’m just a little confused,” Stanton told her.  “I don’t really understand you.”

“It’s almost common sense not to tell somebody that they remind you of a Teen Mom episode.”

Us Weekly asked Abraham for a comment on the scene, and she was all-too-happy to take a swing at the ladies.

“Now you can see why it’s offensive of others to judge someone’s parenting drama no matter what age,” Abraham, 24, said.

“The women on The Bachelor got a dose of the Teen Mom bad stigma.”

“If you are dealing with Teen Mom–like issues with custody and such, maybe it’s best to not go on a show looking for a new man like on The Bachelor,” she continued.

“Olivia Caridi had a point.”

Wait, Abraham has more to say because she’s successful and driven and makes molds of her nether regions!

“I am older then most of these women on Bachelor, with my life together and organized,” Abraham explain.

“Maybe as women we can all agree — no matter how old, how many difficulties life throws at us, as parents or not — to support one another and hope for the best.

“Good luck, ladies! And may the best woman win Ben’s heart!”

You girls just got burned by Farrah Abraham, and there isn’t much anyone can do to defend you.

Blac Chyna Defends Rob Kardashian, Slams "Whack Ass B-tches"

Blac Chyna would like to get a few things off her ample chest.

First, according to TMZ sources, the controversial star is not about to name names or throw anyone under the bus…

… but she insists that the ecstasy found in her suitcase during her arrest in Austin last week was placed there by the person who packed said suitcase.

She claims she had never seen it before authorities fished it out.

Second, whack ass bitches better step off!!!

Indeed, Rob Kardashian’s new girlfriend went off on critics and haters via a series of Snapchat videos on Tuesday night, telling anyone slamming the reclusive former reality star to mind his or her own darn business.

“You know what I hate the most? … Whack ass bitches,” Chyna, clad in a black hoodie, said into the camera, adding:

“I go on Instagram and my Snapchat and people talking s–t about Rob.

“Right, you weak ass bitch … right exactly … please come harder.”

To the shock of both the public and the Kardashians, Chyna has been dating Rob for several weeks now.

Some believe this is a revenge relationship because Chyna is the ex-girlfriend of Tyga and has been critical of Kylie Jenner and her family ever since the 18-year old started to date the rapper.

But Rob just drove 1,377 miles to bring Chyna back from Texas to Los Angeles.

So he’s either very dedicated to this act of vengeance against his family… or he’s in love. (Or he’s using drugs, we suppose.)

“What’s so crazy is like you bitches are so f—king concerned,” Chyna continued on Snapchat.

“Worry about yourself. Worry about your account. Imma give you guys like, the benefit of the doubt, you haters … These are the same bitches talking s—t time and time again.

“Like, worry ‘bout yourself.”

Rob has shied away from the spotlight for years now.

In that time, he has gained a lot of weight and he was recently diagnosed with Diabetes.

So Blac Chyna ended her diatribe by referring to Kardashian’s struggle with weight gain and depression.

“I’m ‘bout to tell y’all something. So he’s been like, low-key for three years and y’all bitches ain’t bout to run him back in,” Chyna said, prior to a friend taking over the camera and reiterating that haters should back off.

Multiple reports have confirmed that Chyna has been helping Kardashian lose weight. She’s hired an online personal trainer for the Arthur George sock creator and also come up with workouts and a meal plan for Kardashian to follow.

Might this actually be a normal, healthy relationship?

Might Blac Chyna hold the keys to a happy future for Rob Kardashian?

Anything is possible, people.

Friday, October 9, 2015

FKA Twigs to Taylor Swift: You and Your Fans Are Basic B*tches!!

On the most recent edition of Paper Magazine, FKA Twigs makes it clear she isn’t in the market for new friends.  Well, not if that means she has to be friends with Taylor Swift.

Robert Pattison’s finance took some time in her interview to throw some serious shade at Tay.

In the interview, FKA Twigs firmly stated that she has no desire to be friends with the pop star. She said, “I think Taylor Swift is great, but I wouldn’t necessarily think, ‘Oh my god, I have to be friends with her.’”

A hater’s gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.  Shake it off, Taylor.

We aren’t sure what fueled FKA Twigs’ distaste for Taylor Swift.  The two would be unlikely friends, but we didn’t expect them to dislike each other.

Right after she threw shade at Taylor, FKA Twigs began praising her fans for their diverse nature:

“When I meet fans, they’re quite creative and intelligent, kind, sensitive. Some are old ladies, witch doctors from Louisiana, kids that have just left art school. Gay or lesbian couples, straight middle-aged couples.”

Is she claiming that Taylor’s fans are comprised of teenaged white girls from the suburbs?

Maybe.  Be either way, Taylor’s fans are really basic b*tches from the ‘burbs.

Twigs reminded readers that she isn’t like “most pop stars.” She said, “I have that throbbing energy, and I accept it, and I harness it when I need to. It’s not even a conscious thing.” 

Taylor Swift might seem basic, but she takes no sh*t.  Taylor feuded with Katy Perry over her reference to Perry in the song “Bad Blood.” Swift has also been embattled with Nicki Minaj.

Let the battle begin!