Showing posts with label Bearer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bearer. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Adorable Ring Bearer Doesn"t Know How to Ring Bear

You can get away with a lot when you"re cute.

No, you can"t get away with stealing cookies off the kitchen counter.

But you can get away with being a ring bearer who doesn"t exactly grasp the concept of what it means to be a ring bearer.

In the following video, we meet a very young man who looks quite dapper and precious in his bow tie.

He"s serving as a ring bearer at a wedding and you can tell he"s pretty confused about the gig from the very beginning.

He"s walking slowly. He"s looking all around. He really isn"t sure what to do.

As he gets closer to the altar, the boy speeds up his gait and seems to finally comprehend what he"s on hand to do.

Until he runs up… hurls his pillow at the bridesmaid… and then sprints back up the aisle.

Fortunately, an adult then swoops in and saves the kid from any further embarrassment.

And any other bridesmaids from being hit by any other pillows.

Check out the funny footage now:

Adorable ring bearer doesnt grasp concept of being a ring bearer

Friday, October 2, 2015

One-Time Ring Bearer Marries Flower Girl… 17 Years Later

Adrian and Brooke Franklin recently got married at a church in South Gastonia, North Carolina.

No, in and of itself, that fact is not especially interesting.

But here"s the thing: Adrian and Brooke first met in that same church 17 years ago, when they served as ring bearer and flower girl at the same wedding.

"I had a crush on him from the start," Brooke tells the town"s local affiliate ABC11 of Adrian, who she met when both were five.

"He absolutely could not stand me. He said I got on his nerves. I"d tried to play with him at school and at church and he just didn"t want much to do with me at all."

The pair went through elementary and middle school together before clicking romantically in high school.

Among their guests at their September nuptials? The bride from the wedding where they first met. Crazy, right?!?

"We forgot that we were in the wedding together and she brought the photos to us," Brooke says. "She just thought that was the neatest thing. She was really excited."

Heck, we"re really excited! And we don"t even know you!

One time ring bearer marries flower girl dot dot dot 17 years la