Showing posts with label Beige. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beige. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

Kylie Jenner Has New Lip Kit Shade - And It"s Not Beige!

Forget the Powerball, guys. Citizens the world over can now rejoice because KYLIE JENNER HAS A NEW COLOR IN HER LIP KIT!!!

And guess what? It’s not beige. Or beige-ish.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the groundbreaking new color is… dun, dun, DUNNNN! 


Because, you know, pink hearts, for V-Day.

Kylie couldn’t think of a highfalutin name for pink, so she asked her followers to come up with one. 

The winner? Posie K, submitted by Instagram user @shelbyy_cobra.

Here it is, in all its glory:

Kylie says the formula for the new colors go on creamier than the first batch, which were reportedly very dry.

The last lip kits sold out after literally one minute in November, so if there was ever a time to call in sick for work, guys, this is it. 

Chain yourselves to your computers and hit “refresh” on the website every 15 seconds, lest you be left with boring, moist lips of a beige hue.

Kylie assured fans that she’ll be more prepared to meet demand this time around, but you can never be sure.

“I’m sorry, you guys are just so amazing and you keep buying them,” said the lip guru via her website, “But I’m making a whole lot more so that I can always be stocked up!”

Will the kits actually give us a perfectly plump pout like Kylie’s? 

Well, if you’ve visited the surgeon for lip injections, perhaps. Because I’ll let you in on a little secret about what’s actually in these coveted “kits”: 

One (1) lip liner and one (1) tube of lip gloss.

That’s all.

Nothing you can’t get with a simple trip to Sephora.

If you want to see some real people reviews for the first lip kit, check out the video below.