Showing posts with label Belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belief. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2017

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris Announce Separation, Destroy Our Belief in Love

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have officially declared that love is dead.

It’s a myth. It’s a fairy tale. There’s no such thing as happily ever after any longer.

Such is the reaction from many people on the Internet after the stars stunned the world on Sunday night and announced their marriage is over.

“Anna and I are sad to announce we are legally separating,” Pratt wrote in a joint statement on Facebook. “We tried hard for a long time, and we’re really disappointed.”

He added of their five-year old boy, Jack:

“Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.

“We still have love for each other, will always cherish our time together and continue to have the deepest respect for one another.”

The Guardians of the Galaxy actor and the Mom actress met on the set of Take Me Home Tonight in 2007.

They got engaged after about a year of dating and then got married in the summer of 2009.

And they just seemed totally and completely in love!

They looked adorable on the red carpet of events, they talked lovely about each other in public and this prank call from Faris to Pratt was hilarious!

Of course, one can never really know what is going on inside the lives of other people, let alone the lives of famous people who one has never actually met.

Moreover, astute observes have noticed that Pratt was often seen out and about over the past few months without his wedding ring on.

Still, it was just this pat December that Faris opened up on an episode of her podcast, Anna Faris Is Unqualified, about “feeling so hurt” by negative chatter regarding her marriage.

“I think it was a combination of things,” she told friend Isla Fisher, explaining:

“I take pride in how great my relationship is with Chris, but having said that, of course in this crazy world where he’s off doing movies and I’m in L.A. raising our child, of course I’m going to feel vulnerable, like any normal human would.”

Interesting, right?

It’s unclear what Faris meant by “vulnerable,” but it could be interpreted as an allusion to a fear that Pratt will cheat on her while he’s off filming movies.

The actor’s career has sky-rocketed over the past few years.

While Faris has a very steady and successful job as the co-star of long-running sitcom Mom, the series does not require her to travel at all.

Conversely, Pratt is as busy as any film star in Hollywood these days.

It’s not hard to imagine how such a schedule could place a heavy toll on a marriage, regardless of infidelity concerns.

pratt announcement

On this same podcast, Faris shot down talk that her union was failing.

But she did admit that speculation over its state “made me feel incredibly insecure.”

Said Pratt to People Magazine back in 2015:

“It’s just as important, if not more important, to focus on your relationship with your partner because your children are going to leave one day [and] you have to maintain a relationship that’s going to outlast your child’s needs for you.

I have the support of a strong partner who’s been through this and understands it and whom I can share these experiences with.

And we have a family that we’re starting that’s the focus of my attention.”

This news makes us very sad.

We wish Pratt and Faris the best of luck moving forward.
