Showing posts with label Blackademy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackademy. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Daniel Tosh Responds to #OscarsSoWhite Controversy With Blackademy Awards!

Whether he"s painstakingly recreating a Selena Gomez video or helping a friend with cancer by betting 25 grand against his beloved Miami Dolphins, Daniel Tosh has a flare for giving the Internet what it wants.

And this week, the Internet wants nothing more than an alternative to the boring "old white people celebrating old white people" party that is the Academy Awards.

Enter Tosh with "Tyler Perry Presents Lee Daniels" Blackademy Awards."

Say what you will about the hilarious clip below (and we get the feeling it"s a bit that people will feel very strongly about, one way or another), it is definitely not the boring Oscars ceremony we"ve come to know and barely tolerate.

In the sketch, Tosh polls an all-black panel (representing, among other groups, the O.G. vote, the hipster vote, and the Jamar vote) who decides what films to honor in the first annual awards.

While the old school Academy can"t agree on anything other than the fact that Leo getting raped by a bear was the best thing to happen in 2015, the folks at the Blackademy have a much easier time finding common ground.

For instance, they all agree that Dave Chappelle is funnier than Kevin Hart, cash is the best present, and Beyonce is to music what bacon is to food.

Hard to argue with any of that. So far, we"re loving everything about the Blackademy Awards. Let"s make this thing a reality, people!

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