Showing posts with label Brink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brink. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Kanye West & Kim Kardashian "On the Brink of Divorce," Halting Plans For Fourth Child [Report]

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are planning to welcome a fourth child.

Sources claim the iconic couple has one embryo remaining and they’ve been hoping to welcome another child via surrogate sometime in the next year.

Unfortunately, it seems those plans may now be on hold indefinitely due to what sources describe as growing tension in Kim and Kanye’s marriage. 

“Kim and Kanye have been on the brink of divorce numerous times, but Kim only has one embryo, a boy, left and she’s not letting it go to waste,” an insider tells In Touch Weekly.

“Having another baby has become an obsession for Kim,” the source adds.

“It’s all she thinks about day and night. If she had to choose between the two, she’d go for the baby over her husband.” 

Unfortunately, it seems Kim may have to pull the trigger on that decision very soon, as Kanye reportedly has no interest in coming up with another eccentric baby name:

“He doesn’t want another child at this point,” the insider claims.

“He loves his kids, but he’s grown distant from Kim,” 

Sources say that Kim does not suspect that there’s another woman in Kanye’s life, but does feel as though she’s been “dumped” in favor of her husband’s many passions, including his music and fashion line.

“She’s tired of having to deal with his insane ego and playing his style muse,” the source said. “She considers Kanye her baby-maker at this point.” 

Yes, it seems Kanye has been reduced to sperm-donor status in Kim’s eyes.

And the insider claims she’s not terribly torn up about demoting her egomaniacal husband.

“Kim just wants another baby. Motherhood is the best thing that’s happened to her,” the source explains.

“It’s almost like she’s looking forward to being a single mom.”

Well, with the amount of time Kanye spends recording 5-track “albums” in Wyoming and serving as creative director for the Pornhub Awards, Kim certainly has plenty of experience being on her own.

As for Kanye, we’re sure he’ll be fine.

Dude has plenty of passion projects and voices inside his head to keep him company.

Just kidding, Yeezy!


Friday, July 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: On the Brink of Divorce AGAIN?!

If you"re a Teen Mom OG viewer, you know that the past year has been tremendously difficult for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

Both individually and as a couple, Catelynn and Tyler have faced a number of obstacles that might have driven a weaker marriage to collapse.

So it perhaps it should come as no surprise that they recently came to the brink of calling it quits.

Fans will recall the episode in which Catelynn first talked about divorce as a possibility.

Now, the Baltierras are speaking out about that particular rough patch, and while they were able to persevere, they say the situatin was every bit as painful as it looked:

1. Opening Up

Opening up

Catelynn and Tyler recently sat down with Dr. Oz and gave what’s been touted as the most honest interview of their careers.

2. Telling It All


It’s tough to imagine that the Baltierras could have anything to hide after all these years in the spotlight, but apparently, they spilled unprecedented quantities of tea while speaking with the good doctor.

3. A Painful Recap

A painful recap

“When the series first launched, you guys were 16. It’s almost 10 years,” Oz says in a preview released today.

4. Tyler with Catelynn

Tyler with catelynn

“We’ve followed them through battles with depression and most recently, a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Oz adds.

5. Their Darkest Hour

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Fans will recall the tremendous emotional toll that Catelynn’s miscarriage took on both her and Tyler.

6. Put to the Test

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Catelynn checked into rehab to be treated for PTSD and other mental health issues in the wake of her miscarriage. In the months that followed, her marriage was nearly driven to its breaking point.

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Still on the Brink of Divorce?!

Remember a few months back, after Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint and Kanye West had his mental breakdown and there were a whole bunch of rumors about how they were getting divorced?

Yeah, it was a tough time in the world of Kimye.

But lately, Kim seems to be doing considerably better after her trauma, and Kanye is still taking plenty of time to himself.

So you’d think that things were good between them now, right? No divorce rumors, no rumors at all, really, so surely they’re fine.

According to a new report from People, that may not be the case. Not entirely, anyway.

A source close to Kanye claimed that “Kim and Kanye are in a great place” right now, and “They are just so happy. He’s doing really great.”

“They went through a really tough time there for awhile. It was really touch and go.”

“She was dealing with the robbery and all that came after,” the source explained, “and she felt like he wasn’t there for her. He was going through his issues around the holidays, and he felt like she wasn’t prioritizing him.”

And so “Things were just awful between the two of them, but also with both of them separately.”

“It was like for the first time, they just weren’t happy. I don’t think they were happy separately, and I know they weren’t happy together.”

It sounds like a tough time, but the source said that Kim kept telling Kanye that “if we can get through this, we’ll be stronger than ever.”

“They never fell out of love with each other, but it was just one of those times where marriage is hard work, and you have to push through the pain.”

Apparently they both went through moments when they wondered if it was worth it to keep struggling, “But the answer was always ‘Yes, this is worth it.’ So they both chose to fight.”

The source, who seemed to be extremely chatty, theorized that it was like Kim and Kanye “were dangling on a rope off a cliff, and they used every single thing they had to find solid ground.”

“They clawed their way back to somewhere a lot more healthy, and they’re still clawing their way back. There are good days and there are bad days.”

So while they obviously love each other and are fighting for their relationship, “If they called and said it was over, it wouldn’t come out of the blue.”

“But on the other hand, it wouldn’t shock me if the two of them are still married in 20 years. Their chances are way better now than they used to be.”

Meanwhile, a source close to Kim explained that “She’s really focused on what’s ahead, in her work and in her marriage.”

“She and Kanye have been able to process things and move past them and are very ready for what’s next and not be so focused on the mess that was last year.”

So from both sides of the fence, it seems like things are looking good for them, but they’re not out of the divorce woods yet.

Here’s hoping they’re able to continue working on their marriage, because … come on, do you really want to live in a world with either of these people single again?


Friday, September 11, 2015

The Originals Season 3 Promo: A Family on the Brink

When we last left Klaus Mikaelson and company, they weren"t exactly getting along.

That"s what happens when you curse your baby mama into a wolf and kill your brother"s girlfriend.

But it looks as if Klaus will need to make up with his family members as quickly as possible on The Originals Season 3… because a brand new war is about to break out.

It will involve the first-ever vampires the Mikaelsons sired, as they touch down in New Orleans, looking to wreak some major havoc.

Will Hayley be able to shed her wolf state? Will Elijah forgive Klaus? Will they all "fall," as Freya eerily predicts in this teaser?

Check out the action to come and tune in to The Originals Season 3 Episode 1 on a new night: Thursday, October 8 at 9/8c.

The originals season 3 promo a family on the brink