Friday, July 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: On the Brink of Divorce AGAIN?!

If you"re a Teen Mom OG viewer, you know that the past year has been tremendously difficult for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

Both individually and as a couple, Catelynn and Tyler have faced a number of obstacles that might have driven a weaker marriage to collapse.

So it perhaps it should come as no surprise that they recently came to the brink of calling it quits.

Fans will recall the episode in which Catelynn first talked about divorce as a possibility.

Now, the Baltierras are speaking out about that particular rough patch, and while they were able to persevere, they say the situatin was every bit as painful as it looked:

1. Opening Up

Opening up

Catelynn and Tyler recently sat down with Dr. Oz and gave what’s been touted as the most honest interview of their careers.

2. Telling It All


It’s tough to imagine that the Baltierras could have anything to hide after all these years in the spotlight, but apparently, they spilled unprecedented quantities of tea while speaking with the good doctor.

3. A Painful Recap

A painful recap

“When the series first launched, you guys were 16. It’s almost 10 years,” Oz says in a preview released today.

4. Tyler with Catelynn

Tyler with catelynn

“We’ve followed them through battles with depression and most recently, a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Oz adds.

5. Their Darkest Hour

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Fans will recall the tremendous emotional toll that Catelynn’s miscarriage took on both her and Tyler.

6. Put to the Test

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Catelynn checked into rehab to be treated for PTSD and other mental health issues in the wake of her miscarriage. In the months that followed, her marriage was nearly driven to its breaking point.

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