Showing posts with label Chases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chases. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Jodie Sweetin Files Police Report After Security Chases Man on Roof

Jodie Sweetin’s real-life home nearly turned into a full-blown house of horrors after she heard footsteps on the roof — but her security saved the day … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … Jodie called cops last week after her…


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Dog Gets Braces For Overbite, Chases His Tail in Celebration

Wesley is a Michigan-based golden retriever puppy with a super set of choppers, thanks to Harborside Hospital For Animals.

The six-month-old pup got braces after his owner, Molly Moore noticed that something was wrong.

“He wasn’t able to fully close his mouth and chew well and he stopped playing with his toys because of the pain and started losing weight because he couldn’t eat," Moore told ABC News.

Moore told her dad, veterinarian Dr. James Moore about Wesley, who suggested they put braces on the puppy to help realign his teeth.

“February is National Pet Dental Health month, so we thought this was a good time to let you know about the importance of your best buddy"s dental health,” the hospital posted on Facebook, along with pictures of Brace Face (ILY, Wesley).

The braces went on February 19th, and are due to be removed this week.  Wesley, however, doesn"t seem to mind.

“I think the only way he realizes anything is different is because we had to take his toys away so he doesn’t pull the braces off,” Moore said of dog.

“He’s still as puppy-ish as ever.”

The Facebook post of Wesley"s orthodontia adventures has been shared more than 270,000.   Check out the video below to see how they"re giving Wesley his groove back.

Dog gets braces for overbite chases his tail in celebration

Dog Gets Braces For Overbite, Chases His Tail in Celebration

Wesley is a Michigan-based golden retriever puppy with a super set of choppers, thanks to Harborside Hospital For Animals.

The six-month-old pup got braces after his owner, Molly Moore noticed that something was wrong.

“He wasn’t able to fully close his mouth and chew well and he stopped playing with his toys because of the pain and started losing weight because he couldn’t eat," Moore told ABC News.

Moore told her dad, veterinarian Dr. James Moore about Wesley, who suggested they put braces on the puppy to help realign his teeth.

“February is National Pet Dental Health month, so we thought this was a good time to let you know about the importance of your best buddy"s dental health,” the hospital posted on Facebook, along with pictures of Brace Face (ILY, Wesley).

The braces went on February 19th, and are due to be removed this week.  Wesley, however, doesn"t seem to mind.

“I think the only way he realizes anything is different is because we had to take his toys away so he doesn’t pull the braces off,” Moore said of dog.

“He’s still as puppy-ish as ever.”

The Facebook post of Wesley"s orthodontia adventures has been shared more than 270,000.   Check out the video below to see how they"re giving Wesley his groove back.

Dog gets braces for overbite chases his tail in celebration