Showing posts with label Chipper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chipper. Show all posts

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Legendary MLB Manager Bobby Cox Says Chipper Jones Saved His Job

Legendary Atlanta Braves manager Bobby Cox says he’s got a special place in his heart for newly minted Hall of Famer Chipper Jones … cause he says the dude saved his job. To be fair, Chipper owes a lot to Cox, too … Bobby was general manager of…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Chipper Jones Says Knees Are Shot ... Can"t Even Play Softball (VIDEO)

Chipper Jones says his knees took so much punishment during his Hall of Fame baseball career, he can’t even play in an adult softball league these days. The 44-year-old spent 19 years in the Bigs — and tells TMZ Sports he underwent SEVEN knee…
