Showing posts with label Console. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Console. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kim and Kanye Home Buyer Spends $2 Million on The Beatles" Recording Console

The woman who plunked down $ 17.8 million on Kim and Kanye’s Bel-Air mansion just shelled out another $ 2 million for some Beatles music history. Sources tell us Marina Acton — a Ukrainian billionaire — just bought the Abbey Road REDD .37 recording…


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin Console Boy Who Got Knocked Down by Paparazzi: WATCH

In a quest to get the perfect candid shot of Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin going about life as regular old humans, the paparazzi just knocked a little boy right over on the cold, mean streets of New York City.

The supermodel friends were coming out of a store in Manhattan when the boy fell to the ground amid the snap-happy sea of photographers.

"Watch the kids, watch the kids!" an onlooker is heard saying in the video below. "They"re knocking kids down!"

The boy immediately began crying, and Kendall and Hailey made their way through the crowd to make sure he was okay.

The squatted down and chatted with the boy for a bit, then Kendall gave him a hug before posing for a series of photos with him, because OMG what a photo op!

Bet Kris Jenner did a little champagne-induced jig over that one.

The kid most likely had no idea who Kendall was, but his mom sure did because she jerked his dejected chin up right before snapping a pic herself of the kid with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star.

The look on the boy"s face read as a blend of irritation, muffled embarrassment and "Can we please go to Toys"R"Us now, please?"

Kendall has expressed contempt for the paparazzi on a number of occasions, most pointedly when she allegedly punched one in Paris outside a local nightclub.

The reality TV star later denied it, insisting she merely grabbed his camera and pushed him away.

As for the little boy, he may be rightfully pissed off about the kerfuffle now, but thankfully he"s okay, and it"ll sure make one hell of a story at show-and-tell tomorrow.

Watch the incident below:

Kendall jenner hailey baldwin console boy who got knocked down b