Showing posts with label Contours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contours. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2016

North West Contours Her Face, Just Like Mommy!

Well, this is adorable! 

Or kind of alarming, depending on how you look at it.

Little North West wants to look just like her mama, and everyone knows Kim Kardashian’s signature beauty trick is face contouring.

The reality star’s makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic shared the pic above of the two-year-old with contour makeup smeared all over her face.

“When #North steals your contour palette… omg,” he wrote in the caption.

I remember when I was little and got into my mom’s makeup. Pretty sure I was a lot older than two, but I think it’s something most daughters do eventually.

North likely sees her mom with this kind of war paint all over her mug on a daily basis, so figures it’s totes normal and something she should do, too.

Gotta make those cheekbones pop, amiright?

However, if you see your mom sitting in a makeup chair for a couple hours a day having a gazillion products applied to her face then emerging completely transformed in order to look presentable to the public… well, what message is that sending?

Of course, it’s possible North just thinks her mother is a professional clown.

(And she wouldn’t be too far off – Kim makes us laugh a helluva lot, too.)

The subject of kids wearing makeup has been a hot topic of late.

Earlier this month, Teen Mom OG star Farrah Abraham (aka The Worst Person in the World) came under fire for parading her daughter around in eye shadow, blush and lipstick.

Maybe playing around in your mom’s professional makeup artist’s cosmetics bag is relatively harmless.

But if North start taping up her breasts next year, well, then we’ll really be worried.